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Keep a clean living space for your birds. Remove all old litter, manure and other debris, then thoroughly clean and disinfect the entire enclosure. Remember one very important fact about cleaning and disinfection. Disinfectants won't kill germs on caked-on dirt, manure or other accumulations of organic material. Scrub surfaces first and then apply a disinfectant. If you don't clean first, applying disinfectants is a waste of time and money!
Examples of Disinfectants:
1. Roccal®: Mix ½ fluid oz. of Roccal® per gallon of water.
2. Nolvasan® (chlorhexidine diacetate 2%): Mix 3 fluid oz. of Nolvasan® per gallon of water.
3. Household bleach (sodium hypochlorite 6%): Mix ¾ cup of household bleach per gallon of water.
4. Lysol® spray (for footwear)
5. Purell® hand pump (for hand disinfection)
Disclaimer: Trade names used in this publication do not constitute a guarantee, warranty or endorsement of the products. The Avian Health Program bears no responsibility for liability resulting from the use of the described products. These procedures are not guaranteed to prevent highly contagious diseases from affecting your birds; however they will reduce risks.
Poor bird  quarters
Good bird quarters
Sample question:
All items should be thoroughly cleaned before they are disinfected.
a) True
b) False
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