Avian Health Program   Return to Avian Health Program
An information center offering material on disease recognition and prevention would be a valuable tool for your customers. Consider dedicating a section of the store which could be as small as a few pamphlets on the sales counter. During the recent outbreak of exotic Newcastle disease over 3.2 million birds were euthanized costing over $170 million to eradicate the disease, not to mention the personal loss of pets which cannot be measured in dollars and cents.
Protecting the avian species is important, so please think about how you could help avoid transmitting germs to healthy birds. The Avian Health Program thanks you.
Feed Store  Learning Center
Large learning center at a feed store.

Sample question.
A small information center offering material on disease recognition and prevention for customers is not necessary because customers are already well informed on these topics.
a) True
b) False
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