Avian Health Program   Return to Avian Health Program

Friends or customers enjoy handling birds. Do not allow customers to handle your display birds without first disinfecting their hands. It's best not to allow them to handle your birds at all.
Bird on a perch greeting customers

Stop sign


Pet store employees, who own birds themselves, should disinfect their hands and wear fresh clean clothing before going to work. To protect their birds, they should disinfect their hands and change clothing before going home.

Avian Salespersons

Whenever possible, known avian vendors should be asked to disinfect their hands and footwear before entering your establishment, especially if they have had recent contact with birds or a location where birds were present.
Disinfect hands
Over the Disinfect shoes

Sample Question
Pet bird store employees who have been exposed to birds before going to work should:
  a) Call their employer to ask for the day off.
  b) Read the Avian Health Program's calendar tips.
  c) Go to a swap meet.
  d) Wear clean clothing and footwear to protect their birds as well as customer's birds.
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