Standardization Program
1220 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 • 916-900-5030 •
In 1915, the California Legislature established minimum standards for all fresh fruits, nuts and vegetables, marking the beginning of Standardization. Standardization came at the behest of California fresh fruit and vegetable industry to protect consumers and industry from substandard products. Under the Standardization program today, over 30 major commodities must meet specific standards, while all other commodities must meet at least minimum standards established by the Food and Agriculture Code.
The goals of Standardization are to remove from the channels of trade, fruits and vegetables not complying with minimum standards, to assure consumers that they are purchasing commodities at a level of acceptable quality, and to protect and promote the fruit, nut and vegetable industries of California.
Standardization also promulgates and processes regulations concerning standardization of quality, maturity, containers, labeling and packing requirements.
In 1992, an Advisory Committee was established to provide recommendations and advice to the Secretary on all matters pertaining to Standardization. The Committee is comprised of 13 voting members who have a financial interest in a commodity represented.
Prior to 1992, the Standardization program was entirely funded by the State General Fund. Today, the program is funded entirely by industry. Funding is derived from a set container fee assessment.
Standardization laws establish minimum standards for maturity, quality, size, standard container and pack, and container markings. County agricultural commissioners and their staff enforce standards at the local level. Inspections take place in fields and packinghouses, at wholesale markets and retail distribution centers, retail outlets, and highway inspection stations.
- Standardization/CA Citrus Registration Form
- Experimental Container Application
- Renewal Request for Experimental Permit
- Automated Online Remittance Form