Fertilizer Research and Education Program (FREP) Database Project
1220 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 • Phone: (916) 900-5022 • Fax: (916) 900-5349 • frep@cdfa.ca.govCDFA recognizes growers have a dual need to address nutrient deficiencies and enhance environmental stewardship. CDFA's FREP, through funded research over the past 20 years, has collected data that can help them achieve both.
FREP has compiled extensive experimental field data related to plant nutrient efficiency and management. The research has produced over 125 scientific final technical reports whose conclusions offer tremendous value to growers. That value, of course, can only be fully realized if the data can be delivered to the farm level. The technical nature and sheer size of the reports make the data and recommendations difficult to apply by growers at the field level.
By creating a searchable web-based database, the information contained in the final FREP research reports will be readily available, easily understandable, and convenient to implement by individual growers. This database initiative will be implemented in two phases. Phase one involves the creation of the database and individual project summary records, and phase two will involve the development of crop fertilization guidelines that will be integrated with the project records. The searchable database created in phase one is now available. Phase two is currently being developed as a concept; an example of the proposed concept is available .