Farmer and Rancher-led Climate Change Solutions Report

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) held a series of six public stakeholder meetings in February 2021 to solicit farmer-and rancher-led climate change solutions that sequester carbon, reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs), ensure climate resilience, provide food security, and increase biodiversity. These meetings were held in accordance with Executive Order (EO) N-82-20, which calls for the development of innovative strategies for using California lands to address climate change and biodiversity crises, and for CDFA to work with agricultural stakeholders to identify farmer-and rancher-led solutions.

This report released in November 2021 summarizes recommendations made by farmers, ranchers, and other public stakeholders. These recommendations will be used to improve CDFA’s agricultural programs and incentives, to inform the development of the next climate change Scoping Plan, and for ongoing and future work of the Natural Working Lands Climate Smart Strategy. A summary of the recommendations including potential follow up actions are noted at the end of the report.