Avian Health Program   Return to Avian Health Program
To keep germs from being carried to your birds by contaminated hands, feet, equipment or other birds, here are some basic rules for controlling traffic to and from the place where you keep your flock:

Keep your birds isolated so visitors can't get near them and infect them with germs.

If visitors have birds of their own, its best not to let them handle your birds but if their own birds are sick, don't let them near your birds at all!
Excrement on boots
Infected debris or excrement on boots can spread disease
Dirty fingernails
Dirty fingernails can also harbor disease
Passing a chicken can pass germs also
Microscopic germs can be passed onto
healthy birds without us knowing it
Sample question:
It is important to isolate your birds from visitors or anyone that has had contact with other birds to eliminate the risk of infecting them with germs.
a) True
b) False
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