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Exotic Newcastle disease and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza are two highly contagious diseases that could affect your birds. They are deadly and can kill your birds in several days. Birds that are illegally brought into the United States may spread these diseases because they have not been quarantined or tested by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. All bird owners should take the following precautions:
  • Ask bird suppliers for a copy of the paperwork that proves the bird was legally imported, healthy before shipment and transported in new or thoroughly disinfected containers.
  • Keep accurate records of all sales, shipments and movement of birds.
  • Separate all newly purchased birds from other birds for at least 21 days; especially if the bird was imported. Have a health exam performed by an avian veterinarian.
  • Wear fresh clean clothing, dedicated boots and wash and disinfect your hands before caring for birds.
  • Care first for the original flock; and tend last to recent bird purchases.
  • Likewise, cleaning and litter removal should be the last chore you should do.
Multiple cages
Open access for wild birds is not good biosecurity
Plenty of space for birds
Cramped quarters for birds
Sample Questions
Poultry are not the biggest carriers of avian disease.
  a) True
  b) False
Exotic Newcastle disease and Avian Influenza are deadly diseases and can kill your birds in just a few days.
  a) True
  b) False
How about some helpful tips?