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Helpful warning tips

It is important for you to meet all the nutritional requirements for your birds. Seeds should not be their only source of nutrition. Birds should also eat fruits, green leafy vegetables, sprouted seeds, and cuttle bones. All foods should be fresh. Birds should never consume grease, salt, sugar, caffeine, chocolate, avocados or alcohol. Weight should be monitored periodically and that could be done by checking the muscle mass on the breast. Any dramatic weight loss should be reported to your avian veterinarian as soon as possible. Your avian veterinarian can also provide you with the proper nutrition facts for your specific bird.
A bird with fresh nuts and seeds
A bird with fresh vegetables
A parrot with toys
A bird with more toys

Cage toys should be suitable to your birds. Look out for sharp edges and hooks on toys that could injure your bird. Avoid excessive amounts of toys in your cage, giving your birds enough space to move around.

Windows, mirrors, ceiling fans and standing fans with exposed blades can be dangerous to flying birds; a good reason to maintain clipped wings.
Sliding Glass doors are a hazard to birds
Ceiling fans are dangerous for  birds
Sample Question
Aside from seeds, birds should receive:
  a) 2 teaspoons full of sugar
  b) Dirty water daily
  c) Fruits and green leafy vegetables.
  d) As much exposure to germs as possible.
What else can be dangerous for our pet birds?