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More helpful warning tips

Open containers of water outside of the cage can pose a drowning risk for pet birds. Examples of such open water sources are sinks, commodes, pots of water, fish bowls, etc.

Household chemicals, industrial chemicals and some plants can be potentially poisonous to your birds so use precaution when using chemicals around your birds and when placing cages or birds next to plants. Toxic fumes can also kill your birds because their respiratory system is more sensitive due to their size. Some examples of such fumes are: aerosol sprays, paint fumes, smoke form burning food and cigarettes, overheated Teflon cookware and cooking gas.
A bird could drown in a fish aquarium
Household chemicals put birds at risk
Sample Question
There are numerous household chemicals that could potentially harm your bird.
  a) True
  b) False
What more can we do for our pet birds?