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In closing

During the recent outbreak of exotic Newcastle disease over 3.2 million birds were euthanized costing over $170 million to eradicate the disease, not to mention the personal loss of pets which cannot be measured in dollars and cents.

Good bird management and strict biosecurity precautions will protect your birds against most infectious diseases. Disease prevention is easier than disease treatment. The Internet contains volumes of information about good bird management, but the principle is the same: Keep the germs which cause disease, away from your birds. Protecting the avian species is important, so please think about how you could help avoid transmitting germs to healthy birds.

The Avian Health Program thanks you.

Cockatoo with a sign, We're happy that you care!!!
Sample Question
Biosecurity is basically:
  a) Keeping the germs away from the birds and keeping the birds away form the germs.
  b) Proper space, ventilation, temperature and availability of clean food and water.
  c) Consulting with your avian health veterinarian.
  d) Drinking a large amount of coffee.
Now that you have finished this tutorial, go on to the examination.