Small-Scale Producer Advisory Committee

Upcoming Small-Scale Producer Advisory Committee Meetings

Regular Committee meeting


Small-Scale Producer Advisory Sub-Committee Meeting

March 14, 2025 (Friday) 10:00am – 12:00pm. Zoom Webinar


Zoom Meeting Link:
Passcode: SSPAC@2024

Join by phone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 669 444 9171 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 719 359 4580
Meeting ID: 827 4389 7457
Passcode: 5546148475

Previous Meetings

Cdfa Announces Appointments To The Bipoc Producer And Small-Scale Producer Advisory Committees

Small-Scale Producer Advisory Committee Members

  1. Veronica Mazariegos-Anastassiou- Producer, Central Coast
  2. Anna Nakamura-Knight- Producer, San Bernadino
  3. Beverly McKinney- Producer, Fresno
  4. Wendy Kornberg- Producer, Humboldt County
  5. Justin Miller- Producer, Placer County
  6. Kerry McGrath- UCCE, Sonoma County
  7. Lovepreet Kapur- Urban Agriculture producer, Santa Clara County
  8. Josefina Lara Chavez- Regeneration- Latine Alliance in Agroecology & the Food System, Central Coast
  9. Patrick Mitchell- Five Keys Schools & Programs, Riverside County
  10. Luis Elizondo, Bee Keeper, Madera County


The California Small-Scale Producer Advisory Committee shall advise the Secretary and State Board on matters pertaining to small-scale and medium scale producers in California and programs, research, technology, workforce development practices and equity issues that will ensure a platform for small-scale producers to advise on CDFA programs, resources, technical assistance, and communication.


  • The Small-Scale Producer Advisory Committee shall be comprised of 10 members.
  • At least 1 of the 10 members will be a member of a Federally or CA State Recognized Tribe or at least one member will be a representative of a Tribal organization
  • 1 member of an urban agriculture organization or operation
  • 1 member of a non-profit organization representing or serving primarily small-scale producers in California
  • 1 member of a university or community college focused on research related to small-scale producers
  • 1 member of an organization providing technical assistance to small-scale and BIPOC producers
  • 5 members will be small-scale producers. Geographic preference will be to have one representative within each Community Economic Resilient Fund (CERF) region of the state.

Responsibilities and Terms

Small-Scale Producer Advisory Committee shall meet on a quarterly basis, four times per calendar year. The meetings will be held in January, April, August and October.

Members should plan to attend each of the quarterly meetings (January, April, August, October). At least one of the quarterly meetings will be a joint meeting with the BIPOC Producer Advisory Committee and/or the CDFA State board.

Appointments are for four-year terms (terms are staggered)

Length of Term: 4 years

Meeting Frequency: Quarterly

Meeting Structure/ Bagley Keene Considerations

Meetings will be public in accordance with the Bagley Keene Act for Open Meetings.

Meetings will be held virtually in order to accommodate the needs and schedules of producers, especially during the summer months.

Agenda and meeting materials will be posted 10 days before the date of the meeting, in English and Spanish. Meeting notes will be posted within 7 days after the meeting, also in English and Spanish.

Translation of written materials will be provided to accommodate for members who do not speak English. This will ensure that committee members can participate fully. CDFA will work individually with committee members to understand and accommodate language needs.

Applications to the Small-Scale Producer Advisory Committee are currently CLOSED.

For future open positions to the Small-Scale Producer Advisory Committee and all other CDFA's Boards and Commissions, please subscribe to receive press releases and notifications from CDFA's Public Affairs Office.

Board Contact: Thea Rittenhouse

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