Legal Office
1220 N Street, Suite 315, Sacramento, CA 95814 • (916) 654.1393 • (916) 653.1293 fax •'s Legal Office advises and represents the Department on a wide range of issues; supports the development and implementation of the Department's programs by providing legal services to the Secretary, Executive Office and Divisions, and directs the State Attorney General in representing the Department in litigation matters.
CDFA's Audit Office is responsible for conducting the internal audits of the CDFA as well as various external audits as requested by the Executive management or required by law. The Audit Office exists to assist Executive management in effectively fulfilling their responsibilities. The Audit Office is charged with examining and evaluating the policies, procedures, and systems which are in place to ensure: the reliability and integrity of information; compliance with policies, plans, laws, and regulations; the safeguarding of assets; and, the economical and efficient use of resources. The Audit Office reports directly to the Department's Chief Counsel in order to remain independent of the programs in which they perform audit services.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Submit a Public Records Act Request?
The California Public Records Act states that every citizen has the right to inspect and/or obtain a copy of any public record. To expedite your request, please review the Guidelines before submitting your request directly to the Legal Office at 1220 N Street, Suite 315, Sacramento, 95814 or via
How Does the Department Accept Service of Litigation Documents?
All litigation complaints, petitions, subpoenas and summonses must be served directly to Headquarters Legal Office at 1220 N Street, Suite 315, Sacramento, CA 95814. If service is attempted at a field office, by mail, fax or email, it will be refused and the server will be provided with directions to Headquarters.
How Do I Request a Hearing or an Appeal of an Enforcement Action by the Department?
All requests for informal hearings, formal hearings, and notices of appeals must be submitted directly to the Legal Office as specified in the Notice of Violation or Proposed Action. Please submit your request via USPS to CDFA Legal Office, 1220 N Street, Suite 315, Sacramento, CA 95814 or email to
Legal Office Staff
Audit Office Staff
Ron Shackelford, Chief Auditor
Shakil Anwar, Special Assistant
1220 N Street, Suite 400
Sacramento, California 95814
(916) 900.2016
(916) 900.5352 fax