Don Cameron – EFA SAP

Mr. Cameron is past-chair of the Environmental Farming Act Science Advisory Panel and current President of the State Board of Food and Agriculture.
Mr. Cameron is a graduate of California State University, Fresno with a degree in Biology.
Since 1981, Mr. Cameron has been Vice President and General Manager of Terranova Ranch Inc, located 25 miles SW of Fresno, California, farming approximately 6,000 acres, in addition to 1,500 acres custom farmed for other clients. The farm has a mix of conventional, organic and biotech crops ranging from organic pima cotton, walnuts, seed product, and tomatoes to biotech alfalfa, corn and pima and upland cotton, along with a diversity of other annual crops. Perennial crops grown include organic and conventional walnuts, conventional wine grapes, almonds, pistachios, olives, and prunes. In all, 26 crops are grown on the farm. In addition, Mr. Cameron owns and farms Prado Farms located in Fresno County.
Mr. Cameron has been recognized for his work as an industry leader in technology and conservation. Terranova has garnered acclaim from the regional offices of the EPA, USDA/NRCS, San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, and recently was paid a visit by EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson. These organizations recognized Mr. Cameron and Terranova for their participation in diesel engine replacement programs, energy conservation measures, and water conservation efforts.
Mr. Cameron is a well-known authority on issues of applied biotechnology in crop production. In 2008, Mr. Cameron testified before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Domestic Policy regarding the importance of co-existence of conventional, organic, and bio-engineered crops. Additionally, he has been featured as a guest speaker and panelist for industry meetings and seminars on this topic, including Yale University, the 2009 Cotton Council International Sustainability Summit in Budapest, Hungary, and the 2010 International Textile Manufacturers Federation annual conference in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
He holds several positions in a number of industry organizations including California Cotton Alliance (Chairman), Supima (Chairman), National Cotton Council (Western Regional Director), American Cotton Producers (Director), California Tomato Growers Association (Director and Past Chairman) and Cotton Foundation (Past President and Chairman).