Policy Analysis & Advisory Committee

Office of Agricultural Resilience and Sustainability

OARS facilitates expert analysis of policies and regulations, assessing their impact on the agricultural enterprise as well as state programs. We accomplish this through analyses led directly by our staff, studies performed under grants and contracts, and convenings of experts.


The Environmental Farming Act Science Advisory Panel (EFASAP) advises the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) on research, demonstration projects, and incentive grant programs aimed at promoting agricultural sustainability in California. Serving as a public forum, the panel develops evidence-based recommendations to support sustainable farming practices.

Panel members are appointed by the Secretaries of CDFA, the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA), and the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA). The panel includes state agency representatives, agricultural producers, and subject matter experts.

CDFA's liaison to the panel is Dr. Tawny Mata, Director of the Office of Agricultural Resilience and Sustainability (OARS).


The Governor's 1991 Reorganization Plan relieved CDFA of its pesticide regulatory authority, relocating it within the newly-formed Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) inside the California Environmental Protection agency (Cal-EPA). Prior to this time CDFA was responsible for pesticide regulation in the state. OPCA's primary role is to provide DPR with impact analyses of proposed pesticide regulations, specifically actions detailed in Food and Agriculture Code (FAC) Section 11454.2. The Office of Pesticide Consultation & Analysis (OPCA) performs CDFA's consultative role and manages a suite of grant programs to support more sustainable pest management strategies.