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Pollinator Habitat Program

Office of Agricultural Resilience and Sustainability

The Pollinator Habitat Program (PHP) was established by the Budget Act of 2021 (Senate Bill 170, Skinner) to address the urgent need for pollinator habitat establishment across agricultural lands in California. With an allocation of $15 million for fiscal year 2021-2022, this program aims to provide funding to experienced organizations to work with farmers and ranchers to install habitat and implement management practices that support pollinators. These habitats help to promote biodiversity, promote pollinator populations, and improve agricultural productivity.

The PHP prioritizes the planning and establishment of native habitats, using locally appropriate native plant seed mixes where possible. Pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, and other species, play a critical role in the productivity of many agricultural crops and the health of natural ecosystems. However, pollinator populations are in decline due to various factors, including habitat destruction, pesticide use, disease, and climate change.

By supporting habitat creation and implementing practices that benefit pollinators, the PHP aims to strengthen pollinator populations, benefiting not only pollinators but also the broader ecosystem and agricultural productivity. Projects funded by the PHP will enhance biodiversity, increase carbon sequestration, improve soil health, and support integrated pest management, making it a vital component of California’s efforts to promote sustainable agriculture.


The application period is currently closed.

Pollinator Habitat Program Award Announcement

CDFA accepted applications from September 2022 through November 23, 2022. Eligible entities included Resource Conservation Districts, non-profit organizations, universities, community colleges, and federally recognized tribes. These organizations could apply for up to $2,000,000 in funding to work with farmers and ranchers to establish pollinator habitats and implement management practices that support pollinators. A list summarizing the applications received is available. The grant term is from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2026.

Long Term Impact

The Pollinator Habitat Program supports the creation of habitats that provide critical floral resources and host plants for pollinators and other beneficial species. These habitats help reverse the decline of pollinator populations by providing a home and important food sources for pollinators. In addition, these habitats offer numerous environmental co-benefits, including enhanced biodiversity, improved soil health, increased carbon sequestration, and pest control through beneficial species.

Pollinator Habitat Program Practice List
Contour Buffer Strips (USDA NRCS CPS 332)
Cover Crops (USDA NRCS CPS 340)2
Critical Area Planting (USDA NRCS CPS 342)
Field Border (USDA NRCS CPS 386)
Filter Strip (USDA NRCS CPS 393)
Hedgerow Planting (USDA NRCS CPS 422)
Pest Management Conservation System (USDA NRCS CPS 595)
Riparian Forest Buffer (USDA NRCS CPS 391)
Riparian Herbaceous Cover (USDA NRCS CPS 390)
Silvopasture (USDA NRCS CPS 381)
Tree/Shrub Establishment (USDA NRCS CPS 612)
Wildlife Habitat Planting (USDA NRCS CPS 420)
Windbreak/Shelterbelt Establishment and Renovation (USDA NRCS CPS 380)


The following entities are eligible to apply for PHP grants:

  • Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs)
  • University of California, California Community Colleges or California State Universities
  • Non-profits including, but not limited to
    • Land Trusts with the conservation of agricultural lands as their mission or amongst their stated purposes
  • Federally- and California-Recognized Native American Indian Tribes

Agricultural commodity groups are encouraged to apply in partnership with the above eligible entities.

Entities applying for PHP grants must have demonstrated expertise and experience in habitat restoration on agricultural lands or implementation of conservation management practices that support pollinators.

Partnerships between multiple organizations are encouraged.