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Home delivery services
Many customers request home delivery of feed and supplies. Always keep in mind that the risk of exposure and spread of germs is high during deliveries. Remember what was mentioned about indirect contact. You do not have to have direct contact with birds to be exposed to diseases. Clothing, vehicles, equipment, and feed and storage areas can also harbor diseases. Avoid contact with poultry, poultry equipment or poultry excrement.
Loading feed on truck
Feed Delivery Vehicle
Bird feces on ground
Infected excrement could be picked up on shoes and passed from location to location.
Chickens roaming around and in door way
Free roaming chickens can expose you to disease.
Park delivery vehicles in a clean dry location away from bird areas whenever possible. Avoid contact with poultry, poultry equipment or poultry excrement. If necessary, disinfect your vehicle upon leaving.

Disinfecting tires
Disinfection of vehicle tires
During any feed delivery and pickup, it is important to spray the soles of your clean shoes before exiting and entering a vehicle. A dedicated pair of clean rubber shoe covers could be used for these duties. Use a hand-sanitizer as an additional precaution.
Removing rubber shoe covers
Spraying clean rubber shoe covers with a disinfectant spray

Sanitizing hands
Sanitizing hands
Sample questions.
You do not have to have direct contact with birds to become exposed to diseases. Clothing, vehicles, equipment and feed and storage areas can also harbor diseases.
a) True
b) False
During any feed delivery and pick up an important biosecurity measure is to: (Mark the box of the one correct answer)
a) avoid contact with poultry, poultry equipment, or poultry excrement
b) spray the soles of your shoes before entering and exiting the vehicle
c) use a hand sanitizer
d) all of the above
What should be done about employees who own birds?