Dairy Matrix

Hearing Petition and Other Documents

New!   Notice of Public Forums and a Public Hearing Related to Proposed Changes to QIP, July 1st, 2024

CDFA Determination Related to Petition to Reapprove the QIP #6 filed on November 28, 2023

Disqualification of Petition #5 to Terminate QIP

Petition to Reapprove the QIP #6 submitted by Stop QIP on November 28, 2023

Petition to Terminate the QIP #5 submitted by Stop QIP on June 22, 2023

CDFA Determination Related to Petition to Terminate the QIP # 5 filed on June 22, 2023

Petition to Terminate the QIP #1 submitted by Stop QIP on December 16, 2021

Petition to Reapprove the QIP #2 submitted by Stop QIP on December 20, 2021

CDFA Determination Related to Stop QIP petitions filed on December 16, 2021 and December 20, 2021

Petition for Reversal and Termination of the QIP #3 submitted by Stop QIP on March 10, 2022

CDFA Determination Related to Stop QIP petition filed on March 10, 2022

Stop QIP Petition

Notice of Public Hearing Scheduled June 9 and 10, 2020

Signed Order of the Secretary

Questions and Answers for participating in remote hearing

UDF Petition and Hearing

UDF Petition

Notice of Public Hearing Scheduled September 30 and October 1, 2020

Order Re-Opening Record and Request for Briefing Dated October 23, 2020

Results of Petition submitted by United Dairy Families

CDFA response to Order Re-Opening and Request for Briefing

Proposed Decision from OAH dated December 11, 2020

Signed Order of Decision by Secretary dated January 25, 2021

Information Regarding Decision of Order and Referendum

REFERENDUM NOTICE for Amendments to the Quota Implementation Plan, Voting Deadline June 1, 2021

Frequently Asked Questions related to the QIP Amendment Referendum

Due to ADA restrictions, we are not able to post the documents that were submitted by various parties. You can obtain them by requesting them via email from the Departments legal office at CDFA.LegalOffice@cdfa.ca.gov

Department Submission