Milk Handler License & Bond Forms
Milk Handler License
Every person who purchases, handles, or receives bulk unprocessed or pasteurized manufacturing or market milk for the purpose of manufacture, processing, sale, or other handling, must have a milk handler processor license. The license is required by the owner, agent, broker, or intermediary purchasing unprocessed or pasteurized bulk milk (including Cream or Condensed Skim) from a producer (including a cooperative), a producer-handler, or another handler.
- New Milk Handler Application
- Renewal Milk Handler Application
- Instructions for Completion of Milk Handler Applications
- Milk Handler Bond Form
- Milk Handler Credit Card Payments (for license renewals only – Distributors no longer need to file renewal or pay license fee)
Distributor (Handler) License
CDFA is no longer issuing distributor licenses.
Pending Handler License Actions
No action at this time.