Manufacturing Cost

Unit collects and summarizes cost data from California dairy manufacturing plants. Any plant that produces butter, dry milk products or Cheddar cheese may be asked to participate in the cost studies. The data from the cost studies are used to establish reasonable manufacturing cost allowances, yields and other adjustment factors in the milk pricing formulas.

Manufacturing Cost Exhibit

Raw cost data for California butter, nonfat powder, Cheddar cheese, and skim whey powder processing. Cost categories include labor, non-processing labor, packaging, return on investment, and general and administrative costs.

Manufacturing Cost Exhibits Archive from 2002

CME Cheddar Cheese and Butter Prices vs. California Sales

Comparison of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Butter/Cheese Prices and the Audited California Butter/Cheese Sales.

Manufacturing Costs Annuals

Manufacturing Costs Impact Analysis

Estimated Impact Analysis of 2005 Utility and Labor Rates on Butter, Nonfat Powder, Skim Whey Powder and Cheese.

Download Estimated Impact Analysis of 2005