Enforcement activities are coordinated with the California Organic Products Advisory Committee, the USDA and California County Agricultural Commissioners. Activities include: program administration, County biologist training, initiation of complaint investigation, registration of private certification organizations, and act as an information resource on the California Organic Food and Farming Act and California's organic industry.

CDFA's Organic Program is funded entirely by industry registration fees, a portion of which is used to support County enforcement activities.

Enforcement Activities

Stop Use Notice: Organic Pesticide Products W.O.W. (Whack Out Weeds!) and EcoMight-Pro.
  • Spot Inspections
  • Certified Farmers' Markets
  • Investigations
  • Pesticide Residue Sampling
  • GMO Testing

Organic Complaints

A complaint may be filed by any person alleging a violation or problem with an organic product or production process. The California State Organic Program (SOP) accepts complaints via phone, email, fax, or mail. SOP staff determines the appropriate entity to resolve the issue, e.g., accredited certifying agency personnel, county agricultural commissioner personnel, SOP inspectors, court administrators, or arbitration specialists.

Appeals and Settlement Agreements

Under the California Organic Food and Farming Act of 2016 (COFFA), organic operations have the right to appeal decisions made by certifying agents and the State Organic Program (SOP). These appeals may result in settlement agreements. Select the link below to view settlement agreements.