Pierce's Disease Photos

PD symptoms on leaf PD symptoms on leaves PD symptoms on vineyard

Symptoms of Pierce's disease on a leaf.
(Picture from University of California.)

Symptoms of Pierce's disease on a leaf.
(Picture from University of California.)

Symptoms of Pierce's disease in a vineyard.
(Picture from University of California.)

PD symptoms on vineyard PD symptoms on leaves PD symptoms slow spring vineyard growth

Symptoms of Pierce's disease
on grape leaves in a Temecula vineyard.
(Picture from Phil A Phillips,
UCCE Area IPM Advisor.)

Symptoms of Pierce's disease on leaves.
(Picture from University of California.)


Pierce's disease symptoms delay
spring growth in a vineyard.
(Picture from University of California.)

PD on red globe grape vineyard PD on red globe grapes PD Uneven Wood Maturity and Persistant Petioles

Pierce's disease in a red globe grape vineyard in August.
(Picture from Jennifer Hashim.)

Pierce's disease on red globe grapes.
(Picture from University of California.)

Uneven wood maturity and persistant petioles.
(Picture from University of California.)

Aerial of vineyard with PD    

Aerial of vineyard with Pierce's disease.
(Picture from University of California.)