Kevin Schnepp
Kevin Schnepp was appointed Director of the Division of Measurement Standards (DMS) by Secretary Karen Ross in December 2023. Kevin has been with DMS for thirteen years, having served as an Environmental Program Manager 1. He has extensive experience in alternative fuels, evaluating programs, developing regulations, and has provided state and national leadership on new methodologies for weights and measures enforcement. As Director of DMS, he oversees all activities and programs within the division including the metrology lab; two fuels, lubricants, and automotive product laboratories; two hydrogen and alternative fuels laboratory, the Device Enforcement Program, Fuels and Lubricants Enforcement Program, Weighmaster Program, Registered Service Agency Program, and the California Type Evaluation Program. His duties also encompass the division's work in zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) infrastructure standards and specifications development along with facilitating policies and regulations for the oversight of zero-emission and low-carbon alternative and renewable fuels. Kevin has more than 25 years combined process research and development and chemistry research experience, and more than a decade of experience with CDFA's Division of Measurement Standards conducting research and development programs in zero emission, alternative and renewable fuels. Kevin is the current President of the Western Weights and Measures Association (WWMA), serves as the Western representative on the Board of Directors of the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM); is an active member with the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Partnership; and serves as the Department's representative to the Governor's ZEV implementation team. In addition, Kevin participated in the CDFA's first cohort of Lean Six Sigma training, the CDFA Executive Leadership Program, and has served several times as a mentor in the CDFA Mentorship Program. Kevin has a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from California State University, Sacramento and a Master of Business Administration degree with a concentration in environmental compliance and sustainability from Southern New Hampshire University.

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