San Joaquin Valley Quality Cotton District
All cotton grown in the San Joaquin Valley Quality Cotton District must meet criteria established by SJV Quality Cotton Law. The District consists of Fresno, Madera, Merced, Kern, Kings, and Tulare Counties. As a result of the law, the District grows some of the highest quality cotton in the world, consistently bringing growers the highest prices in the nation. Two types of cotton (Acala and Pima) are grown in the San Joaquin Valley. An ongoing variety testing program conducted by the San Joaquin Valley Cotton Board evaluates promising cottons developed by private and public cotton breeders.
Sample Letter to request a permit to use non-certified cotton seed for planting, delinting, and/or ginning within the San Joaquin Valley Quality Cotton District.
Contact Us
Nursery, Seed, & Cotton Program
1220 N Street, Room 241
Sacramento, CA 95814
Nursery Services
Ph: (916) 654-0435
Email: nurseryservices@cdfa.ca.gov
Seed Services
Ph: (916) 403-6715
Email: seedservices@cdfa.ca.gov