Plant Health Regulation Activities
Current Actions
Note: to use search function for CDFA regulations, enter "3" in the title box and then the desired section number.
Proposals to adopt, amend or repeal certain regulations are listed by title.
Emergency Rulemaking
Section 3591.5 Mediterranean Fruit Fly Eradication Area
This is an emergency action that will add Alameda County to the eradication area for Title 3, CCR Section 3591.5, Mediterranean Fruit Fly Eradication Area.
Date submitted to OAL: 9/9/2024
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 9/12/2024
Effective Date: 9/12/2024
Section 3591.11 Caribbean Fruit Fly Eradication Area and 3422 Caribbean Fruit Fly Interior Quarantine
This is an emergency amendment of Section 3591.11 and adoption of Section 3422 will allow the Department to create an interior quarantine, add Orange County to the eradication area, and update the CFF host list to be in harmony with the most current USDA list.
Date submitted to OAL: 9/12/2024
Office of Administrative Law's Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 9/18/2024
Effective Date: 9/18/2024
Regular Rulemaking
3558 Insects and Other Arthropods That May Be Imported or Shipped Into or Within California Without a Permit
This is a notice rulemaking to update what species do not require a permit after they have been evaluated and are considered low risk for California agriculture.
Date submitted to OAL:
Office of Administrative Law's Decision:
Date filed with Secretary of State:
Effective Date:
3899 Schedule I. Agricultural and Vegetable Seed
This is a change without regulatory effect to update the title from Schedule I. to Schedule I. Agricultural and Vegetable Seed.
Date submitted to OAL: 10/25/2024
Office of Administrative Law's Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 12/5/2024
Effective Date: 12/5/2024
3591.5 Mediterranean Fruit Fly Eradication Area
This is a Notice action that will add Alameda County to the eradication area for Title 3, CCR Section 3591.5, Mediterranean Fruit Fly Eradication Area.
Date submitted to OAL: January 8, 2025
Office of Administrative Law's Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: February 4, 2025
Effective Date: February 4, 2025
Section 3591.6 Spongy Moth Eradication Area
This is a Notice action that will add Alameda County to the eradication area for Title 3, CCR Section 3591.6, Spongy Moth Eradication Area.
Date submitted to OAL:1/08/2025
Office of Administrative Law's Decision:Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State:02/20/2025
Effective Date:02/20/2025
Section 3591.11 Caribbean Fruit Fly Eradication Area and 3422 Caribbean Fruit Fly Interior Quarantine - Amendment
This is an amendment of Section 3591.11 and adoption of Section 3422 will allow the Department to create an interior quarantine, add Orange County to the eradication area, and update the CFF host list to be in harmony with the most current USDA list.
Date submitted to OAL: 01/07/2025
Office of Administrative Law's Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 02/04/2025
Effective Date: 02/04/2025
Sections 3425 and 3436 Interior Quarantines
The proposed regulations will establish additional details and criteria as to when and under what circumstances a quarantine designation would be triggered for the Melon Fruit Fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae) and White Striped Fruit Fly (Bactrocera albistrigata), as well as define the quarantine areas and the duration of the quarantine. The proposed regulations will also establish an appeal process for the quarantine designation area.
Date submitted to OAL: 10/15/2024
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 11/21/2024
Effective Date: 1/1/2025
Sections 3406, 3417, 3423, 3424, 3441, 3442, 3444, and 3445 Interior Quarantines
This is a Notice action for Interior Quarantines to correct quarantine language that does not accurately describe how to respond when a single fly is more than 3 miles from previous finds.
Date submitted to OAL: 9/18/2024
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 10/23/2024
Effective Date: 1/1/2025
Section 3591.30 Queensland Fruit Fly - Update Host List
This is a Notice action of the amendment of Section 3591.30 that will allow the Department to update the host list for Queensland Fruit Fly
Date submitted to OAL: 7/31/2024
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 8/20/2024
Effective Date: 10/1/2024
Section 3591.22 False Codling Moth Eradication Area
This is a Notice rulemaking action that will update the definition of “Harvest”.This is a Notice rulemaking action that will update the host list and method and means section.
Date submitted to OAL: 6/24/2024
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 7/30/2024
Effective Date: 10/01/2024
Section 4890 Definitions
This is a Notice rulemaking action that will update the definition of “Harvest”.
Date submitted to OAL: 7/19/2024
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 8/29/2024
Effective Date:8/29/2024
Sections 3436 and 3591.23, White Striped Fruit Fly
This is a Notice action that will remove the host list for White striped fruit fly in CCR Section 3436 and redirect the public to the host list for Title 3, CCR Section 3591.23, White Striped Fruit Fly Eradication Area and update the list to match the current USDA host list.
Date submitted to OAL: 3/25/2024
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 4/25/2024
Effective Date: 7/1/2024
Section 3591.13, Guava Fruit Fly
This is a Notice action that will amend the Guava Fruit Fly Eradication Area to expand the number of counties with eradication authority Guava Fruit Fly.
Date submitted to OAL: 6/11/2024
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 7/17/2024
Effective Date: 10/1/2024
Section 3591.2 Oriental Fly Eradication Area for Fresno
This is an Notice action that will add Fresno County to the eradication area for Title 3, CCR Section 3591.2, Oriental Fruit Fly Eradication Area.
Date submitted to OAL: 3/4/2024
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 4/15/2024
Effective Date: 7/1/2024
Peach Fruit Fly Eradication Area
This is a Notice action that will add Sacramento County to the eradication area for Title 3, CCR Section 3591.12 Peach Fruit Fly Eradication Area.
Date submitted to OAL: 11/21/2023
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 1/8/2024
Effective Date: 4/1/2024
Sections 3423 and 3591.2 Oriental Fruit Fly
This proposed action will remove the host list for Oriental fruit fly in CCR Section 3423 and redirect the public to the host list for Title 3, CCR Section 3591.2, Oriental Fruit Fly Eradication Area, which is being updated.
Date submitted to OAL: 12/03/2023
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 1/12/2024
Effective Date: 4/1/2024
Sections 3444 and 3591.27, Zeugodacus tau
This is a Notice action of the amendment of Section 3591.27 and adoption of Section 3444 that will allow the Department to create an interior quarantine, add Ventura County to the eradication area, and update the Zeugodacus tau host list to be in harmony with the most current USDA list.
Date submitted to OAL: 12/22/2023
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 2/7/2024
Effective Date: 2/7/2024
Sections 3445 and 3591.30, Queensland Fruit Fly
This is a Notice action of the amendment of the adoption of Section 3591.30 and of Section 3445 that will allow the Department to create an interior quarantine and eradication area against the pest Queensland Fruit Fly.
Date submitted to OAL: 12/22/2023
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 2/5/2024
Effective Date: 2/5/2024
Section 4500 Noxious Weed Species (February 2024)
This is a Notice action that will correct Volutaria canariensis to Volutaria tubuliflora.
Date submitted to OAL: 3/25/2024
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 4/30/2024
Effective Date: 7/1/2024
Sections 3406, 3424, 3425, 3429, 3441, and 3442
This is a Notice action that will remove the host list from CCR Sections 3406 Mediterranean Fruit Fly Interior Quarantine, 3424 Bactrocera zonata Interior Quarantine, 3425 Melon Fruit Fly Interior Quarantine, 3429 Sweetpotato Weevil Interior Quarantine, 3441 Bactrocera correcta Interior Quarantine, and 3442 Malaysian Fruit Fly Interior Quarantine and redirect the public to the host lists in the their pests Eradication Area regulation.
Date submitted to OAL: 2/28/2024
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 3/14/2024
Effective Date: 7/1/2024
Section 3591.2 Oriental Fruit Fly Eradication Area for Kern
This is an action that will add Kern County to the eradication area for Title 3, CCR Section 3591.2, Oriental Fruit Fly Eradication Area.
Date submitted to OAL: 12/22/2023
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 2/6/2024
Effective Date: 2/6/2024
Section 3591.15 Melon Fruit Fly
This is a Notice rulemaking action that will update the host list for Melon Fruit Fly.
Date submitted to OAL: 11/12/2024
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 12/19/2024
Effective Date: 4/1/2025
Section 3251 Chestnut Blight and Oak Wilt Disease Exterior Quarantine
This is a change without regulatory effect to correct the scientific and common names throughout the regulation.
Date submitted to OAL: 4/11/2024
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 5/23/2024
Effective Date: 5/23/2024
Section 3289 Guava Root-Knot Nematode State Exterior Quarantine
This is a Notice rulemaking action that will adopt a Guava Root-Knot Nematode Exterior Quarantine.
Date submitted to OAL:
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision:
Date filed with Secretary of State:
Effective Date:
Section 3950 Assessments for Control of Broomrape
This is a file and print to establish a schedule of, and procedures for the collection of, assessments tomatoes for the purpose of broomrape control as authorized in sections 7430-7434.5 of the Food and Agricultural Code.
Date submitted to OAL: 12/5/2024
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision: Approved
Date filed with Secretary of State: 1/21/2025
Effective Date: 1/31/2025
Sections 2950 Registration Fee, 2951 Registration Fee Schedule, 2952 Penalties, 2953 Filing of Business Address, and 2954 Payment Form
This is a Notice action that would adjust the apiary registration fees.
Date submitted to OAL:
Office of Administrative Law’s Decision:
Date filed with Secretary of State:
Effective Date: