Dr. Riad Baalbaki

Plant Pest Diagnostics Branch, California Department of Food & Agriculture
3294 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA 95832-1448, U.S.A.
916-738-6699 office, 916-262-1190 fax, riad.baalbaki@cdfa.ca.gov

Dr. Riad Baalbaki

Senior Seed Botanist

Curriculum Vitae


  • 1984-1989: Ph.D. in Crop and Soil Sciences-Seed Physiology Major. Crop and Soil Sciences Department. Michigan State University. Dissertation title: The effect of seed size, density, and protein content on field performance, vigor and storability of two winter wheat varieties.
  • 1979-1982: M.Sc. in Agronomy . Crop Production and Protection Department. American University of Beirut. Thesis title: The effect of monovalent and divalent cations on the cooking quality of red lentils (Lens culinaris Medic).
  • 1976-1979: B.Sc. in Agriculture, and Diploma of Ingenieur Agricole. Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences. American University of Beirut

Fields of Specialization and Interest

  • Seed physiology and technology
  • Seed viability testing
  • Seed vigor testing
  • Methods of wild and cultivated germplasm characterization
  • Physiological responses to stress
  • Statistical analysis and experimental designs

Work Experience

  • 2010-present: Editor, Seed Technology journal
  • 2008-present: Senior Seed Botanist. Plant Diagnostics Branch, California Department of Food and Agriculture.
  • 2006-2008: Associate Seed Botanist. Plant Diagnostics Branch, California Department of Food and Agriculture.
  • 2001-2002: Visiting Scientist (Sabbatical leave for one year). Department of Pomology College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. University of California, Davis. USA
  • 1998-2001: Chairperson. Department of Plant Sciences. Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences. American University of Beirut.
  • 2000: Visiting Scholar. College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. University of California, Davis
  • 1998: Visiting Scholar. Department of Biological Sciences. Stanford University.
  • 1992-1998: Assistant Professor of Plant Sciences. American University of Beirut.
  • 1996: Visiting Scientist. United States Salinity Laboratory. USDA-ARS, Riverside.
  • 1994: Visiting Fellow. New York State Agricultural Experiment Station. Cornell University.
  • 1989-1991: Post Doctoral Research Associate. Seed Biotechnology Lab. Crop Science Department. North Carolina State University


  1. Elias, S., L. Copeland, R. Baalbaki & M. McDonald. 2012. Seed testing: principles and practices. Michigan State University Press, East Lansing, MI.
  2. Atallah, S.S, I. El Saliby, R. Baalbaki, & S.N. Talhouk. 2011. Effects of different irrigation, drying and production scenarios on the productivity, postharvest quality and economic feasibility of Origanum syriacum, a species typically over-collected from the wild in Lebanon. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 91: 337-343.
  3. Baalbaki, R., S. Elias, J. Marcos-Filho, & M. B. McDonald. 2009. Seed vigor testing handbook. Contr. 32, Handbook on Seed Testing. Assoc. Off. Seed Anal, Ithaca, NY, 341 pps.
  4. Chamoun, R., R. Baalbaki, P. Kalaitzis, & S. Talhouk. 2009. Molecular characterization of Lebanese olive germplasm. Tree Genetics and Genomes. 5:109-115.
  5. Baalbaki, R., & K. Fiedler. 2008. Results of 2007 vigor testing survey of AOSA member labs. The Seed Technologist Newsletter. 82 (1): 59-61.
  6. Ismail, B., I. Haffar, R. Baalbaki, & J. Henry. 2008. Physico-chemical characteristics and sensory quality of two date varieties under commercial and industrial storage conditions. LWT-Food Science and Technology 41: 896-904.
  7. Elias, S., & R. Baalbaki. 2007. Determination of dormant seed in the AOSA rules. The Seed Technologist Newsletter. 81 (2): 42-43.
  8. Elias, S., R. Baalbaki, and M. McDonald. 2007. Seed Moisture Determination-Principles and Procedures. Contribution No. 40 to the Handbook on Seed Testing. Association of Official seed Analysts.
  9. Ismail, B., I. Haffar, Y. Mechref, R. Baalbaki, and J. Henry. 2006. Physico-chemical characteristics and total quality of five date varieties grown in the United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 41 (8): 919-926.
  10. Ismail, B., J. Henry, I. Haffar, and R. Baalbaki. 2006. Date consumption and dietary significance in the United Arab Emirates. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 86 (8): 1196-1201.
  11. Baalbaki, R., N. Hajj-Hassan, and R. Zurayk. 2006. Aegilops species from semiarid areas of Lebanon: variation in quantitative attributes under water stress. Crop Science. 46: 799-806.
  12. Barbour, E.K, S.H. Salman, R. Z. Baalbaki, and V.K. Sagherian. 2004. Root yield of Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench in relation to spacing in solarized soil and preservation of pressed root juice. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture. 22: 133-141.
  13. Zahreddine, H., C. Clubbe, R. Baalbaki, A. Ghalayini, and S.N. Talhouk. 2004. Status of native species in threatened Mediterranean habitats: the case of Pancratium maritimum L. (sea daffodil) in Lebanon. Biological Conservation. 120: 11-19.
  14. Yau, S.K., M. Bounejmate, J. Ryan, R. Baalbaki, A. Nassar, and R. Maacaroun. 2003. Barley-legumes rotations for semi-arid areas of Lebanon. European Journal of Agronomy. 19: 599-610.
  15. Kabengi, N.J., R.A. Zurayk, R.Z. Baalbaki, and J. Ryan. 2003. Phosphorus dynamics and characterization under long-term rotation trial. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 34: 375-392.
  16. Zurayk, R., B. Sukkariyeh, R. Baalbaki, and D. Abi Ghanem. 2002. Ni phytoaccumulation in Mentha aquatica L. and Mentha sylvestris L. Water, air and soil pollution. 139: 355-364.
  17. Zurayk, R., B. Sukkariyah, and R. Baalbaki. 2001. Common hydrophytes as bioindicators of nickel, chromium and cadmium pollution. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 127: 373-388.
  18. Zurayk, R., B. Sukkariyeh, R. Baalbaki, and D. Abi Ghanem. 2001. Chromium phytoaccumulation from solution by selected hydrophytes. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 3: 400-408.
  19. Ismail, B., I. Haffar, R. Baalbaki, and J. Henry. 2001. Development of a total quality scoring system based on consumer preference weightings and sensory profiles: application to fruit dates (tamr). Food Quality and Preferences. 12: 499-506.
  20. Baalbaki, R., R. Zurayk, M. Adlan, and M.C. Saxena. 2000. Effect of N-source and salinity level on salt accumulation of two chickpea genotypes. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 23 (6): 805-814.
  21. Tambal, H.A.A., W. Erskine, R. Baalbaki, and H. Zaiter. 2000. Relationship of flower and pod numbers per inflorescence with seed yield in lentil. Experimental Agriculture. 36: 369-378.
  22. Khuri, S., M.R. Shmoury, R. Baalbaki, M. Maunder and S.N. Talhouk. 2000. Conservation of Cedrus libani populations in Lebanon: history, current status and experimental application of somatic embryogenesis. Biodiversity and Conservation. 9: 1261-1273.
  23. Talhouk, S.N, R.T. Lubani, R. Baalbaki, R. Zurayk, A. Al-Khatib, L. Parmaksizian, and A.A. Jaradat. 2000. Phenotypic diversity and morphological characterization of Amygdalus spp. in Lebanon. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 47: 93-104.
  24. Baalbaki, R., R. Zurayk, M. Bleik, and S. Talhouk. 1999. Germination and seedling development of drought tolerant and susceptible wheat under moisture stress. Seed Science and Technology. 27(1): 291-302.
  25. Toufeili, I., B. Ismail, S. Shadarevian, R. Baalbaki, B. Khattar, A.E. Bell, and J.D. Schofield. 1999. The role of gluten proteins in the baking of Arabic bread. Journal of Cereal Science. 30(3): 255-265.
  26. Haidar, M. A., N. Iskandarani, M. Sidahmad and R. Baalbaki. 1999. Response of dodder (Cuscuta spp.) seeds to soil solarization and chicken manure. Journal of Crop Protection. 18(4): 253-258.
  27. Zurayk, R.A., Adlan, M., R.Z. Baalbaki, and M.C. Saxena. 1998. Interactive effects of salinity and biological nitrogen fixation on chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) growth. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 180: 249-258.
  28. Baalbaki, R., and L. O. Copeland. 1997. Seed size, density and protein content effects on field performance of wheat. Seed Science and Technology. 25: 511-521.
  29. Zurayk, R., and R. Baalbaki. 1996. Inula crithmoides: a candidate plant for saline agriculture. Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation. 10: 213-223.
  30. Talhouk, S.N., R. A. Chahine, S. Hamadeh, B.C. Hamdar, and R. Baalbaki. 1996. Low-input cherry production: a horticultural alternative for marginal highlands as a case study from Lebanon. HortScience. 31(7): 1077-1079.
  31. Atiyeh, R., M. Aslam, and R. Baalbaki. 1996. Nitrogen fertilizer and planting date effects on insect pest populations of sweet corn. Pakistan Journal of Zoology. 28(2): 163-167.
  32. Copeland, L. O., R. Baalbaki, and N. B. Lee. 1990. The effect of seed treatment on laboratory and field performance of navy bean exposed to prolonged wet humid weather prior to harvest. Journal of Seed Technology. 14: 19-29.
  33. Copeland, L. O., R. Baalbaki, and N. B. Lee. 1990. The effect of seed treatment on laboratory and field performance of soybean seed exposed to prolonged wet humid weather prior to harvest. Journal of Seed Technology. 14: 30-40.
  34. Kim, S. K., L. O. Copeland, and R. Baalbaki. 1988. The use of multiple tests in predicting the vigor of soybean seeds. Korean Journal of Crop Science. 32 (3): 268-276.
  35. Baalbaki, R.Z. and Copeland, L.O. 1987. Vigor testing of wheat and its relationship to field performance, storage and seed quality. Newsletter of Association of Official Seed Analysts. 61: 15.

Most recent workshops

  • May 31, 2015. Germination test methods and seedling evaluation issues. Workshop presentation-Association of Official Seed Analysts and the Society of Commercial Seed Technologists, Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. (with S. Elias)
  • June 1, 2014. Germination and seedling evaluation. Workshop presentation-Association of Official Seed Analysts and the Society of Commercial Seed Technologists, Annual Meeting, Fargo, ND. (with S. Elias)
  • May 31, 2014. Statistics in seed testing. Workshop presentation-Association of Official Seed Analysts and the Society of Commercial Seed Technologists, Annual Meeting, Fargo, ND. (with S. Elias)
  • May 17, 2013. Sources of variation in seed testing and applications of tolerances. Workshop presentation-Association of Official Seed Analysts and the Society of Commercial Seed Technologists, Annual Meeting, Boise, ID. (with S. Elias)
  • June 5, 2011. Applications of statistical procedures in seed testing. Workshop presentation-Association of Official Seed Analysts and the Society of Commercial Seed Technologists, Annual Meeting, Williamsburg, VA. (with S. Elias & T. Perez)
  • September 22, 2010: Seed germination and seedling evaluation: principles, procedures and examples. Workshop presentation-Seed Laboratory, Plant Pest Diagnostics Center; California Department of Food and Agriculture.
  • June 8, 2010. Seedling evaluation handbook: updated content, development of seedling evaluation CDs, and work plan. Presentation-Association of Official Seed Analysts and the Society of Commercial Seed Technologists, Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO.
  • June 6, 2010. Statistics for Seed testing: applications, data analysis and tolerances. Workshop presentation-Association of Official Seed Analysts and the Society of Commercial Seed Technologists, Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO. (with S. Elias)
  • June 1, 2009. Applications of experimental design, data analysis, and tolerances for seed testing. Association of Official Seed Analysts and the Society of Commercial Seed Technologists, Annual Meeting, Fort Collins, CO. (with S. Elias)
  • May 13, 2008. Seed vigor testing. Workshop presentation-Seed Laboratory, Plant Pest Diagnostics Center; California Department of Food and Agriculture.
  • May 14, 2008. Principles of seed moisture testing. Workshop presentation-Seed Laboratory, Plant Pest Diagnostics Center; California Department of Food and Agriculture.
  • June 5, 2007. Experimental design and data analysis for seed testing research. AOSA/SCST joint workshop. Cody, Wyoming.
  • April 25-26, 2007. Germination of grasses/Seed moisture determination. Seed Laboratory-Plant Pest Diagnostics Center; California Department of Food and Agriculture.
  • December 10-11. 2005. Designing and developing biodiversity enabling activities-the case for Lebanon. Sponsored by the UNDP/GEF and the Lebanese Ministry of the Environment.
  • March, 10. 2004. Sustainable agriculture-principles and practices. Sponsored by USAID.
  • February 18-19, 2004. Collecting and evaluating wild seeds. Co-sponsored by the Lebanese Ministry of the Environment and AUB.
  • September 24, 2003. Cropping systems and crop rotations. Sponsored by USAID.
  • May 28-30, 2003. Seed testing: evaluation of purity and germination. Co-sponsored by the Lebanese Ministry of the Environment and AUB
  • February 12-14. 2003. Workshop on Cultivation of Wild Herbs. Sponsored by Mercy Corps, USDA.
  • March 27-28, 2002. Biodiversity Opportunities in Lebanon-Production and Industry. Co-sponsored by the Lebanese Ministry of the Environment and AUB.
  • July 12, 2001. Alternative crops suitable for South Lebanon. Sponsored by Creative Associates International, Inc
  • March 23-24, 2001. Adapting alfalfa production systems to Lebanese dry lands. Sponsored by Creative Associates International, Inc.

Undergraduate courses taught

  • Seed Science and Technology
  • Principles of Plant Physiology
  • Introductory Plant Biology
  • Principles of Agronomy
  • Crop Production in Dry Regions

Graduate courses taught (Master's level)

  • Statistical Methods in Agriculture
  • Survey and Collection of Plant Genetic Resources
  • Advanced Crop Production
  • Global Issues in Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources (Coordinator)
  • Advanced Plant Physiology
  • Stress Physiology

Service to the Profession

  • September, 2006-Present: Chair of the Germination and Dormancy Research Subcommittee; Association of Official Seed Analysts.
  • June, 2007-June, 2011: Co-Chair of the Vigor Evaluations Committee; Association of Official Seed Analysts
  • May, 2007-June, 2010: Associate Editor, Seed Technology journal
  • June, 2010-present: Editor, Seed Technology journal

Contact Us

Plant Pest Diagnostics Center
3294 Meadowview Road
Sacramento, CA 95832
Phone: 916-262-1100
Fax: (916) 262-1190
Map & Directions

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