Bringing Plants And Animals Into California
The Purpose of CDFA's Plant and Animal Laws and Regulations

The importation or smuggling into California of live plants and plant product, or unapproved, uninspected, or uncertified wild or domesticated animals, whether as pets or livestock, will have serious legal and financial consequences for the persons involved. These activities are prohibited as they could result in potentially damaging impacts to California's agriculture and environment.
Certain species of animals, plants, insects and other organisms, including microorganisms, are not allowed into California. For those that are allowed, an import permit and/or health certificate or phytosanitary certificate may be required to legally enter into the state of California.
CDFA's Animal Health and Pest Exclusion Branches work cooperatively with other agencies, including California's Department of Fish and Game and the United States Department of Agriculture, to prevent the introduction and spread of harmful pests and diseases into California. These branches also provide certification that our animal and plant exports to other states and countries are free from pests and diseases.
We must work together to protect and preserve our valuable state agricultural and environmental resources from the harmful effects caused by the introduction of exotic organisms.
For more information concerning bringing houseplants, fruits, or vegetables into California, please call our Pest Exclusion Branch at (916) 654-0312 or send an email to