PPDC Plant Pathology lab

CDFA Plant Pathogen Collections

General Information About The CDFA Plant Pathogen Collections


Dr. Sebastian Albu
Email: sebastian.albu@cdfa.ca.gov
Phone: 916-738-6723

Dr. Cheryl Blomquist
Email: cblomquist@cdfa.ca.gov
Phone: 916-738-6710

Dr. Albre Brown
Email: albre.brown@cdfa.ca.gov
Phone: 916-738-6693

Lucita Kumagai
Email: lkumagai@cdfa.ca.gov
Phone: 916-738-6710

Dr. Suzanne Rooney Latham
Email: slatham@cdfa.ca.gov
Phone: 916-738-6711

Dr. Tongyan Tian
Email: ttian@cdfa.ca.gov
Phone: 916-738-6717

Dr. Yunping Zhang
Email: yzhang@cdfa.ca.gov
Phone: 916-738-6721

For further information or to arrange a visit, please contact one of the Curators.

Map and Directions


The CDFA Plant Pathology Collections are maintained as several separate entities.

  1. Phytophthora species isolate collection.
  2. Herbarium of fungal plant disease specimens from California.
  3. Isolate collection of fungal plant pathogens found in California.
  4. Bacterial culture collection (formerly housed at University of California, Berekely).

The collection is used mainly as in-house reference material to assist CDFA scientists in the identification of and research on plant pathogens. No type material is maintained in the collection.

Collections Use Guidelines

Collection material is not available for loan. However, visiting scientists are welcome to examine and work with the specimens in the CDFA Plant Pathology Laboratory, by arrangement.