Dr. Marc E. Epstein
Plant Pest Diagnostics Branch, California Department of Food & Agriculture
3294 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA 95832-1448, U.S.A.
Office: 916-738-6675
Fax: 916-262-1190
Email: marc.epstein@cdfa.ca.gov

Senior Insect Biosystematist
Curriculum Vitae
- Doctor of Philosophy (Entomology) - University of Minnesota, St. Paul, March 1988. Dissertation title: “An overview of slug caterpillar moths (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae) with emphasis on genera in the New World Parasa Group”
- Master of Science (Entomology) - University of Minnesota, St. Paul, August 1982. Thesis title: “Habitat and seasonal comparisons of ground beetles (Carabidae)”
- Bachelor of Science (Entomology & Zoology) - Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, May 1977.
Research and Employment
- 2005-Present—Senior Insect Biosystematist, CDFA; 2003-2005--Associate Insect Biosystematist, CDFA: identification of Lepidoptera immatures and adults of potential economic importance; research on Lepidoptera, including Limacodidae and other families of economic concern.
- Current projects: diagnostics of Lobesia botrana; Revision of African and Australian genera of Limacodidae; Limacodidae of Costa Rica (with D. Janzen and INBio); Zygaenoidea TWG leader (Lepidoptera ATOL); ecology of limacodid caterpillars (with John Lill); 25 year comparison of carabid beetles in south-central Minnesota (with Kamal Gandhi); Lepidoptera subject editor, Pan-Pacific Entomology.
- 2006-present--Affiliate, Dept. of Entomology, U.C. Davis.
- 2003-present—Research Associate, Dept. of Entomology, NMNH, Smithsonian Institution.
- 1997-2003--Museum Specialist and Unit Manager, Smithsonian Institution (includes Lepidoptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera and Arachnida);
- (1997-2002) supervised five people in collection management; research on Lepidoptera includes publications on Zygaenoidea (Handbook of Zoology), Costa Rican Limacodidae, evolution of larval locomotion and biology of Dalceridae; acquisition of Peck, Robert, Reichert, Kinyon and Fales collections (@ 100,000 specimens).
- 1992-1996 Museum Specialist, Smithsonian Institution; collection management and curation of Heteroptera; research on Lepidoptera, including completion of "Revision and Phylogeny of the Limacodid-Group Families, with Evolutionary Studies on Slug Caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Zygaenoidea)" and preparation of “A Guide to the Limacodidae of Costa Rica;” sorting Lepidoptera to families at the Museum Support Center.
- 1988-1991 Postdoctoral Fellow, Smithsonian Institution; phylogenetics of limacodid group families (Lepidoptera) using morphological characters from both immature and adult stages; evolution and functional morphology of locomotion, cocoon construction and other behaviors; ontogeny of immature stages in the phylogeny of the limacodid group and ditrysian Lepidoptera; researched the identity of over 300 species for the “The Atlas of Neotropical Limacodidae"; led three expeditions to the Llanos of Venezuela and visited Pakitza, Peru with the BIOLAT program.
- 1990 (3 mos.) Research Associate, University of Maryland, Center for Agricultural Biotechnology; development of the chorion in ditrysian Lepidoptera.
- 1987 (5 mos.) APHIS (USDA), Minnesota Exotic Pest Survey: monitered for species of exotic Lepidoptera with pheromone traps, identified non target species related to or similar to exotics (Noctuoidea & Tortricoidea).
- 1984 (2 mos.) Smithsonian Institution; expedition to New Caledonia: collected and prepared several thousand Lepidoptera from UV and malaise traps.
- 1983 (6 mos.) University of Minnesota Extension Entomology: monitered populations of ash borers (Lepid.: Sesiidae) and pesticide trials on hackberry galls (Homoptera: Psyllidae) with M. E. Ascerno.
- 1982-83 Research Assistant, University of Minnesota: a study on coincident population fluctuations in Lepidoptera with W. E. Miller. Funded by Can. & U.S. Spruce Budworm Program.
- 1980-82 University of Minnesota: M.S. research on carabid ecology, supervised three work study students in sorting and preparation of specimens.
- 1978 (6 mos.) Research Entomologist, Colorado Natural Areas Program (Dept. of Natural Resources): surveyed threatened butterfly and lampyrid species.
- 1972-78 Denver Museum of Natural History: curated Mason Butterfly Collection, collected and prepared Colorado butterflies; butterfly phenology.
Refereed Publications
- Epstein, M.E. 2016. Moths, Myths, & Mosquitoes: The Eccentric Life of Harrison G. Dyar, Jr. Oxford University Press, 360 pages.
- Zaspel, J., S.J. Weller. 2015. Origin of the hungry caterpillar: Evolution of fasting in slug moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Limacodidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 94: 827–832.
- Epstein, M.E., W.D. Duckworth, W. Taft, and T. Seeno. 2015. Thomas Drake Eichlin (1938–2013). Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society. 69(3): 238–240.
- Epstein, M.E., S.J. Weller, R.D. Moon, W.D. Hutchinson, W.J. Mattson, I.V. MacRae, and T.M. Gilligan. 2013. William E. Miller (1930-2013). Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society. 67(3): 234-239.
- Kaila, L., M. E. Epstein, M. Heikkila, and M. Mutanen. 2013. The assignment of Prodidactidae to Hyblaeoidea, with remarks on Thyridoidea (Lepidoptera) ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition) ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition) Zootaxa 3682 (3): 485–494.
- Gilligan, T.M. and M.E. Epstein. 2012. TortAI: Tortricids of Agricultural Importance to the United States (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Identification Technology Program (ITP), USDA/APHIS/PPQ/CPHST, Fort Collins, CO. CD-ROM.
- Nieukerken, Erik J. van, L. Kaila, I.J. Kitching, N.P. Kristensen, D.C. Lees, J. Minet, C. Mitter, M. Mutanen, J.C. Regier, T.J. Simonsen, N. Wahlberg, S.-H.Yen, R. Zahiri, D. Adamski, J. Baixeras, D. Bartsch, B.Å. Bengtsson, J.W. Brown, S.R. Bucheli, D.R. Davis, J. De Prins, W. De Prins, M.E. Epstein, P. Gentili-Poole, C. Gielis, P. Hättenschwiler, A. Hausmann, J.D. Holloway, A. Kallies, O. Karsholt, A.Y. Kawahara, S. (J.C.) Koster, M.V. Kozlov, J.D. Lafontaine, G. Lamas, J-F. Landry, S. Lee, M. Nuss, K-T. Park, C. Penz, J. Rota, A. Schintlmeister, B.C. Schmidt, J.-C. Sohn, M.A. Solis, G.M. Tarmann, A.D. Warren, S. Weller, R.V. Yakovlev, V.V. Zolotuhin, A. Zwick. 2011. Order Lepidoptera Linnaeus, 1758. In: Zhang, Z.-Q. (Ed.) Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness. Zootaxa 3148: 212–221.
- Gandhi, K.J.K., M.E. Epstein, J. J. Koehle, and F. F. Purrington. 2011. A quarter of a century turnover of beetle assemblages in remnant habitats within urban areas in central Minnesota. ZooKeys. 147: 667–689.
- Murphy, S.T., J.T. Lill, and M.E. Epstein. 2011. Natural history of limacodid moths (Zygaenoidea) in the environs of Washington, D.C. Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society. 65(3): 137–152
- Gilligan, T.L., M.E. Epstein, and K.M. Hoffman. 2011. Discovery of false codling moth, Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Meyrick), in California (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 113(4): 426-435.
- Barr, N.B., R.A. Ledezma, R.E. Farris, M.E. Epstein, and T.M. Gilligan. 2011. A multiplex real-time PCR assay to diagnose the light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Walker)(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Economic Entomology. J Econ Entomol. 104(5):1706-19.
- Gilligan, T.M., M.E. Epstein, S.C. Passoa, J.A. Powell, and J.W. Brown. 2011. Discovery of Lobesia botrana [(Denis & Schiffermuller)] in California: an invasive species new to North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 113(1): 14-30.
- Brown, J.W., M.E. Epstein, T.M. Gilligan, S.C. Passoa, and J.A. Powell. 2010. Biology, identification, and history of the light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Archipini) in California. American Entomologist 56(1): 34-43.
- Epstein, M.E. and J.K. Adams. 2009. Zygaenoidea (pp. 160-165) in Moths of Western North America by J.A. Powell and P. A. Opler. U.C. Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles & London, 369 p.
- Barr, N. B., L. A. Ledezma, J. D. Vasquez, M. Epstein, P. H. Kerr, S. Kinnee, O. Sage, and T. M. Gilligan. 2009. Molecular Identification of the Light Brown Apple Moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in California Using a Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay of the Internal Transcribed Spacer 2 Locus. J. Econ. Entomol. 102(6): 2333-2342.
- Regier, J. C., A. Zwick, M. P. Cummings, A. Y. Kawahara, S. Cho, S. Weller, A. R., J. Baixeras, J. W. Brown, C. Parr, D. R. Davis, M. Epstein, W. Hallwachs, A. Hausmann, D.H. Janzen, I. J. Kitching, M. A. Solis, Shen-Horn Yen, A. L. Bazinet and C. Mitter. 2009. Toward reconstructing the evolution of advanced moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera: Ditrysia): an initial molecular study. BioMed Central Evolutionary Biology 2009, 9:280 (21 pp).
- Gilligan, T.M. and M.E. Epstein. 2009. LBAM ID: Tools for diagnosing light brown apple moth and related western U.S. leafrollers (Tortricidae: Archipini) [CD-ROM]. USDA-APHIS.
- Janzen, D. H., W. Hallwachs, P. Blandin, J. M. Burns, J.-M. Cadiou, I. Chacon, T. Dapkey, A. R. Deans, M. E. Epstein, B. Espinoza, J. G. Franclemont, W. A. Haber, M. Hajibabaei, J.P.W. Hall, P.D.N. Hebert, I.D. Gauld, D.J. Harvey, A. Hausmann, I.J. Kitching, D. LaFontaine, J.F-Landry, C. Lemaire, J.Y. Miller, J. S. Miller, L. Miller, S.E. Miller, J. Montero, E. Munroe, S. R. Green, S. Ratnasingham, J. E. Rawlins, R. K. Robbins, J. J. Rodriguez, R. Rougerie, M. J. Sharkey, M. A. Smith, M. A. Solis, J. B. Sullivan, P. Thiaucourt, D.B. Wahl, S.J. Weller, J. B. Whitfield, K. R. Willmott, D. M. Wood, N. E. Woodley & J. J. Wilson. 2009. Integration of DNA barcoding into an ongoing inventory of tropical complex biodiversity. Molecular Ecology Resources 9 (supplement 1): 1-26. (pdf)
- Brown, J.W., M.E. Epstein, K. Vann, R.A.Watkins, S.M. Bahr, II, and E. Kolski. 2008. An overview of the Lepidoptera (Insecta) of Plummers Island, Maryland. Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington. 15: 65-74.
- Nagamine, W. & M.E. Epstein. 2007. The chronicles of Darna pallivitta (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae): biology and larval morphology of a new pest in Hawaii. Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 83(2): 16 pp.
- Stüning, D., U. Buchsbaum, & M.E. Epstein. 2006. Amerikanische Limacodidae in Deutschland. Entomologische Zeitschrift – Stuttgart. 116(3): 135-138.
- Epstein, M.E. & J.F. Corrales. 2004. Twenty-five new species of Costa Rican Limacodidae (Lepidoptera: Zygaenoidea). Zootaxa. 701: 1-86.
- Brown, J.W., M.E. Epstein, & E.R. Day. 2004. First report of Pryeria sinica Moore (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae) in North America. Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington. 106:239-242.
- Corrales, J.F. & M.E. Epstein. 2003. Revision of the Natada fusca complex and description of six new Neotropical species (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae). Rev. Biol. Trop. 51:445-462.
- Scheer, J., M. Epstein, & J. Drucker. 2003. Night Visions: The Secret Designs of Moths. Prestel Verlag. Munich. 119 pages.
- Epstein, M.E. & J.W. Brown. 2003. The early stages of the enigmatic Prodidactis mystica (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Prodidactidae) with comments on its new familial assignment. Zootaxa. 247:1-16.
- Epstein, M.E. 2002. Review of “Forest Moths,” by K.A. Efetov and G.M. Tarmann, Apollo Books. J. Lep. Soc.
- Deml, R. & M.E. Epstein. 2001. Hydroquinone and other secondary compounds in hairs of fire caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Zygaenoidea: Megalopygidae). Entomologia generalis. 25(2): 131-134.
- Deml, R. & M.E. Epstein. 2001. Illustration of a caterpillar of Megalopyginae (Lepidoptera: Megalopygidae) whose hairs contain antiseptic compounds. Nachr. Entomolo. Ver. Apollo, N.F. 22 (3): 187-189.
- Corrales, J.F. & M.E. Epstein. 2000. New species in the New World Natada complex (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae). Rev. Biol. Trop. 48:591-604.
- Epstein, M.E., Geertsema, H., Naumann, C.M. & G.M. Tarmann. 1998. The Zygaenoidea, pp 159-180, In Handbuch der Zoologie, a Natural History of the Phyla of the Animal Kingdom, Vol. IV, Arthropoda: Insecta, Part 35, Lepidoptera, Moths and Butterflies, Vol. 1: Evolution, Systematics, and Biogeography, ed. Niels P. Kristensen. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin and New York.
- Nelson, S.M. & M.E. Epstein. 1998. Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Superfamilies Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea) of Roxborough State Park, Colorado: baseline inventory, community attributes, and monitoring plan. Environmental Mgt. 22:287-295.
- Epstein, M.E. 1997. Biology of Dalcerides ingenita (Hy. Edwards)(Lepidoptera: Dalceridae). Tropical Lepidoptera, 8:48-59. 1997.
- Epstein, M.E. Parasa indetermina (Boisduval)(Lepidoptera: Limacodidae): a new host for Systropus macer Loew (Diptera: Bombyliidae). Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 99:585-586.. 1995 (1997).
- Epstein, M.E. 1995 [1997] Locomotion and its evolution in caterpillars with a slug-like ventrum (The Limacodid Group: Zygaenoidea). J. Res. Lep. 34:14-20.
- Corrales, J.F. & M.E. Epstein. 1997. Review of Costa Rican Venadicodia Dyar, with descriptions of two new species and localities for V. ruthea Dyar (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae). Rev. Biologia Tropical. 45:1093-1105.
- Epstein, M.E. 1996. Revision and phylogeny of the limacodid group families, with evolutionary studies on slug caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Zygaenoidea) Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. Number 582, 102 pages, 409 figures.
- Epstein, M.E. 1996. A new name and generic placement for the misidentified type species of Epiclea Dyar, 1905 (Lepidopetera, Limacodidae). Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 98:812-817.
- Epstein, M.E. 1995. False parasitized cocoons and the biology of Aididae (Lepidoptera: Zygaenoidea). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 97:750 756.
- Becker, V. O. & M. E. Epstein. 1995. Limacodidae. in J. B. Heppner (ed.), The Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera. Checklist: Part II. 3:128 133.
- Epstein, M.E., Smedley, S., and T. Eisner. 1994. Sticky integumental coating of a dalcerid caterpillar: a deterrent to ants. Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society. 48:381 386.
- Epstein, M. E. & V. O. Becker. 1994. Combinations and Synonymies in NewWorld Limacodidae, Megalopygidae, Lasiocampidae and Arctiidae (Lepidoptera). Revista brasileira de Zoologia. 10:289 319. (1993)
- Epstein, M. E. & P. M. Henson. 1992. Digging for Dyar (1866 1929): the Man Behind the Myth. American Entomologist. 38:148 169.
- Epstein, M. E. & S.E. Miller. 1990. Systematics of the West Indian moth genus Heuretes (Lepidoptera:Limacodidae). Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 92:705 715.
- Epstein, M. E. & H. M. Kulman. 1990. Ecological and seasonal distribution of carabid beetles in east central Minnesota. Amer. Midl. Nat. 123:209 225.
- Epstein, M.E. 1989. Review of “Slug and Nettle Caterpillars: the Biology, Taxonomy and Control of the Limacodidae of Economic Importance on Palms in South east Asia,” edited by M. J. W. Cock et al., CAB. J. Lep. Soc. 43:252 253.
- Scott, J. A. & M. E. Epstein. 1987. Factors affecting phenology in a temperate insect community. Amer. Midl. Nat. 117:103 118.
- Epstein, M. E. 1987. Mating behavior of Acraea andromacha andromacha (Fabricius) (Nymphalidae) in New Caledonia. J. Lep. Soc. 41:119 121.
- Miller, W. E. & M. E. Epstein. 1985. Synchronous population fluctuations among moth species. Environ. Entomol. 15:443 447.
- Epstein, M. E. & H. M. Kulman. 1984. Effects of aprons on pitfall trap catches of carabid beetles in forests and fields. Great Lakes Entomol. 17:215 221.
Grants & Awards
NSF as biosystematist collaborator
- Ecology of limacodid caterpillars, 2007-2011
- Lepidoptera Tree of Life (Twig coordinator for Zygaenoidea), 2006-2010
- Ecuador Project – BSI (Biotic Systems & Inventories (L. Dyer, PI), 2005-2009
- ACG Project – BSI (D.H. Janzen, PI), Santa Rosa, Costa Rica, 1990’s--
- ALAS Project – BSI (J. Longino, PI), La Selva, Costa Rica, 2000-2005
- CPHST (USDA), Lucid key development for light brown apple moth (2008-)
Smithsonian Institution
- Scholarly Leadership Program (1996)
- Cash Awards for Job Performance Excellence (1996-2000)
- Postdoctoral Fellow (1990-1991)
- Postdoctoral Fellow (Sept. 1988-89), Short term Visitor’s Program (1985)
University of Maryland, College Park, Center for Agricultural Biotechnology
- Postdoctoral Fellow (summer 1990)
- University of Minnesota Graduate School, Doctoral Dissertation Special Grant (1986):
- 10 week visit to Smithsonian Institution, Anderson Fellowship (1986):
- 5 week visit to British Museum of Natural History, Dayton Natural History Fellowship (1985)
- Society of Sigma Xi, Grant in aid of Research (1985)
- Rockefeller Foundation Grant, Alfred University (2001-2003)
- 2015–National Pest Detection Network Workshop on European Grapevine Moth, Napa Valley, CA
- 2013–Lecture at Chico State University
- 2012–Lucid workshop on TortAi. L.A. County Dept. Ag. May 17, 2012
- 2012, 2014–My career as a Lepidopterist. NJHS, Western Hills, California. May 16, 2012
- 2009-2015—Numerous workshops on identification of invasive tortricids in California.
- 2008– Entomological Society of America: Visual morphological identifications of the light brown apple moth and other Tortricidae in California (with Todd Gilligan).
- 2006 – Entomological Society of America: Limacodidae on the ALAS transect, ALAS Symposium and (with Shen-Horn Yen) Genitalia Homology of Zygaenoidea, Lepidoptera Tree of Life Symposium
- 2005 -- Slug Caterpillars of Costa Rica and Beyond. Plant Pest Diagnostics Seminar series, Hawaii Dept. of Agriculture, University of Hawaii, Manoa
- 2003-2004 -- ACG Limacodid Caterpillars: Clades and Accumulation Curves. ACG caterpillar workshop (Santa Rosa, Costa Rica), Pacific Coast Entomology Club (California Academy of Science).
- 1999-2003 -- Video on Caterpillar Ontogeny and Behavior of the Limacodid-Group Families (Zygaenoidea). North Carolina Entomological Society Banquet, Washington Area Butterfly Club, Entomological Society of America, Atlanta, Georgia and Lepidopterists' Society, Wake Forest University, North Carolina.
- 1999 -- “Phylogeny, Homology and Biology of Jelly Caterpillars (Zygaenoidea: Dalceridae).” Maryland Entomology Society, Lepidopteras’ Society, Sierra Vista, Arizona.
- 1997 -- “Parasa Moore: About Names and New Species of Limacodidae.” Annual meeting of the Lepidopterists’ Society, New Haven, CT.
- 1996 -- “Recent Advances in the Zygaenoidea” (with H. Geertsema, S. Miller, C. Naumann, and A. Zilli) and “History of Entomology at the Smithsonian: 1900-present.” International Congress of Entomology, Florence Italy.
- 1995 “Evolution of Larval Locomotion in the Limacodid Group.” Annual meeting of the Lepidopterists’ Society, Minneapolis, MN (Program symposium: Biology of Caterpillars).
- 1992-1993 “Dyar and His Pets: the Limacodidae.” Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; Dept. Entomology, U. Minnesota.
- 1992 “The Influence of Darwin on the Classification of Lepidoptera in the Latter Part of the 19th Century.” National Meeting of the Entomological Society of America in Baltimore (Program symposium: Darwin’s influence on Entomology).
- 1991-1998 “Digging for Dyar: the Man Behind the Myth” (with Pamela Henson). Smithsonian Castle Docents; National Museum of Natural History noontime public lecture series in Baird Auditorium and for the Resident Associates Program; Annual Banquet of the Entomological Society of Washington, College Park, MD; Banquet for the annual meeting of the Lepidopterists’ Society, East Lansing, Michigan; Research in progress lecture series, Smithsonian Inst. Archives.
- 1990, 1991 “Evolution of Larval Locomotion and Other Behaviors in Limacodidae and Related Families (Lepidoptera: Zygaenoidea).” National meetings of the Entomological Society of America in Reno, Nevada (Program symposium: use of video in Entomology) and in New Orleans, Louisiana (Section A symposium: immature insects).
Public Outreach
- 2012-2013 – Research including caterpillar videos featured in exhibit “More Than Meets the Eye” at National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution
- 2004 --NPR interview on “Fresh Air” with Teri Gross about the book “Night Visions: The Secret Designs of Moths.
- 1999-2000, 1995 video on caterpillars for “Bugfest,” a public outreach day at the Smithsonian Institution sponsored by the Department of Entomology, Systematic Entomology Laboratory and the Insect Zoo.
- 1998-1999 -- Moths and Butterflies at University Park Elementary School, Maryland.
- 1998 -- Career Day, Seabrook Elementary School, Maryland
Entomological Organizations
- Entomological Society of America
- Entomology Collections Network
- Lepidopterists’ Society
- Entomological Society of Washington
- Lepidoptera Research Foundation
- Maryland Entomological Society
- Pacific Coast Entomology Club
Entomological/Systematics Boards (current)
- Israel Journal of Entomology
- Baltic American Biotaxonomy Institute (B.A.B.I.)
- North American Butterfly Association Common Names
Plant Pest Diagnostics Center
CDFA Collections
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Plant Pest Diagnostics Center
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Sacramento, CA 95832
Phone: 916-262-1100
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3294 Meadowview Road
Sacramento, CA 95832
Phone: 916-262-1100
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