2010 Brand Book
Bureau of Livestock Identification
Letters A - L
Letters M - Z
The 2010 California Brand Book is offered above in PDF file format.
Blank Pages: Some sections of the Brand Book may contain an intentional blank page. Just ignore these and click through to the next page .
To Search PDF Files: Use "Control + F" keys in combination and type in a word or partial word in the query field. Press "Enter" and the first occurrence of your word search will be found in the file. Repeat as necessary.
To Look Up a Brand: Brands are listed in a "brandabetical" order. This order is determined by the alphabetical description of the brand. If you know the alphabetical letter the brand begins with, you can go directly to that section. If you are uncertain of the brand, but know the owner's last name, begin with the index. After you locate the name and page number, you can go to the particular section and the specific page using the search feature.
Contact Information
California Department of Food and Agriculture
Animal Health and Food Safety Services, Bureau of Livestock Identification
1220 N Street
Sacramento, California 95814
Telephone: 916-900-5006
Fax: 916-900-5335
Or send an email to the bureau: bliinfo@cdfa.ca.gov