Helping Producers Maintain Continuity of Business During an Animal Disease Outbreak

New Comprehensive Biosecurity Plan Template for Poultry Premises is now available!
For more information, to request resources or tools, or to submit enhanced biosecurity plans for review, please email
The Secure Food Supply (SFS) Program is designed to allow business operations that are unaffected by the disease (i.e. negative for the disease) but located within a quarantine Control Area to maintain some business operations to maintain economic viability.
Nationally, USDA, state departments of agriculture, and academic partners have collaborated to develop commodity specific SFS resources. These resources are designed to provide guidance for livestock producers to prepare for an outbreak of a Foreign Animal Disease to limit exposure of their animals through implementation of enhanced biosecurity measures. In California, we have united these commodity specific requirements under a single SFS Program that focuses on all movements onto or off of a premises.

The California SFS program is a State run program that is implemented at the producer/operator level. The program is voluntary EXCEPT during an animal disease outbreak when producers must adhere to the all the Program requirements to receive a product or animal movement permit.
- Enhanced Biosecurity — heightened levels of biosecurity in all aspects of the food supply chain including farm premises, haulers, animal product processors, feed mills, and renders to stop the spread of disease amongst operations
- Sampling (e.g. testing) — periodic and frequent testing to ensure negative status of a premises or operation
- Flock or Herd Health Monitoring — daily health checks looking for signs of illness or increase in mortality
- Training and Documentation — Train employees and staff on biosecurity protocols; document all movements on and off the premises as well as maintenance and training logs
- Permitted Movement of Animals and Animal Products — Movement of animals and animal products may be allowed as long as all parts of the movement chain (origin, vehicle, destination) have completed steps 1 - 4.
We currently have a 2 year USDA supplementally funded project to develop additional SFS resources. We are working on developing enhanced biosecurity plan templates for feed mills, dairy operations, and non-layer poultry operations.
We are continuing to work with producers to assist in the development of premises-specific enhanced biosecurity plans that meet the state SFS Program requirements.
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CDFA Animal Health and Food Safety Services,
Animal Health Branch
Sacramento, California 95814
Phone: 916-900-5002
Fax: 916-900-5333