Egg Safety Training

The purpose of the Meat, Poultry and Egg Safety Branch, Egg Safety and Quality Management (ESQM) On-Line Training is to ensure that a consistent and uniform training and instruction program is provided to state and county shell egg inspection staff.
ESQM's "Compliance and Risk Based Inspection" (CRBI) is done at the production and wholesale level. CRBI training will focus on production, wholesale, and distribution center inspections as well as biosecurity protocols. The Retail Surveillance inspections are conducted at all retail facilities, including Farmers Markets and swap meets. Retail Surveillance training will focus on inspections at the retail level.
The on-line instruction and training will focus on important elements of each type of inspection method, utilizing instructional slides in a PowerPoint format. New inspectors must complete the training before egg inspection work can be performed in the field. The table below summarizes the courses for all State and County Egg Inspectors. Once you have completed the certification process, you will be scheduled field training with a qualified CDFA/ESQM field inspector. Maintenance of online training will be required once a year to keep your certification in good standing. Recertification must be taken one month prior to your certificate expiring.
Instructions for registration, courses and certification can be found below.
- CRBI Exam (this page is offline for maintenance)
Retail Surveillance Exam (this page is offline for maintenance)
- Your exam result will be sent to Egg Safety and Quality Management for reviewing (the process can take up to 5 business days).
- Once you've completed the training program, you will receive a certificate of completion. Save a copy of the certificate for your records and send a copy to your regional office.