Title 3. Food and Agriculture
Division 2. Animal Industry
Chapter 3. Livestock Identification
Article 1. Modified Point of Origin Inspection Areas
Bureau of Livestock Identification
§ 850. Description of Modified Point of Origin Inspection Areas.
There is one modified point–of–origin inspection area within the state, described as follows:
- Area Number 1: All of Modoc County, and in addition all Bureau of Land Management allotments, Modoc National Forest, all other public and private property in Lassen County which lies east of Sears Flat, and Nelson Corral grazing allotments and private property adjacent to or north of, Tule Mountain, Hall Field, Selic-Alaska, and Tuledad grazing allotments, inclusive.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 407, 20171 and 21111, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Sections 20017, 20021 and 21111, Food and Agricultural Code.
1. New article 1 (§ 850) filed 12-4-73; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 73, No. 49). For prior history, see Register 60, No. 20.
2. Amendment filed 4-30-75; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 75, No. 18).
3. Repealer and new section filed 2-24-83; effective upon filing pursuant to Government Code section 11346.2(d) (Register 83, No. 9).
4. Amendment filed 6-5-84; effective upon filing pursuant to Government Code section 11346.2(d) (Register 84, No. 23).
5. Amendment of section and Note filed 3-15-94; operative 4-14-94 (Register 94, No. 11).
6. Amendment of description for Area Number 3 filed 2-26-2009; operative 3-28- 2009 (Register 2009, No. 9).
7. Amendment of first paragraph and repealer of last paragraph filed 12-14- 2010; operative 1-13-2011 (Register 2010, No. 51).
3 CCR § 850, 3 CA ADC § 850