Rendering Program - Frequently Asked Questions
Meat, Poultry & Egg Safety Branch
A. The IKGP is funded by fees paid annually by renderers, collection centers and transporters of IKG. Current fees are set at $7,000 per renderer, $3,500 per collection center, $500 per vehicle for commercial transporters, and $250 per vehicle for personal transporters.
A. The following operations:
1. 47 Renderers
- a. 21 renderers (traditional - render carcasses,
packinghouse waste, fish and IKG) - b. 26 IKG renderers
- a. 21 renderers (traditional - render carcasses,
- 2. 57 Collection Centers
3. 318 IKG Transporters
- a. 312 commercial
- b. 6 personal (for own use - not allowed to sell, barter or
trade IKG, can only have one vehicle and no more than 165 gallons of IKG)
A. It is unlawful for any person to engage in the transportation of IKG without being registered with the CDFA/MPESB and without being in possession of a valid registration certificate issued by the CDFA/MPESB.
A. A licensed renderer, licensed collection center, registered transporter, or any other person may NOT take possession of IKG from an unregistered transporter or knowingly take possession of stolen IKG.
A. The Department may issue civil penalties and/or suspend, revoke or deny renewal of a registration certificate or license. Additionally, violators may be subject to criminal fines and/or imprisonment in County jail or State prison at any time it has been determined that any of the following has occurred:
- 1. The registrant has sold or offered for sale to an unlicensed person or entity, any inedible kitchen grease.
- 2. The registrant has stolen, misappropriated, contaminated, or damaged inedible kitchen grease or containers thereof.
- 3. The registrant has taken possession of inedible kitchen grease from an unregistered transporter or has knowingly taken possession of inedible kitchen grease that has been stolen.
- 4. The registrant or licensee has been found to have engaged in, or aided and abetted another person or entity in the commission of, any violation of a statute, regulation, or order, relating to the transportation or disposal of inedible kitchen grease, including a violation of the federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. Sec. 1251 et seq.), the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act (Chapter 1.5 (commencing with Section 13020) of Division 7 of the Water Code), Section 5650 of the Fish and Game Code, commercial vehicle weight limits, or commercial vehicle hours of service.
- 5. "Registrant" includes any business entity, trustee, officer, director, partner, person or other entity holding more than 5 percent equity, ownership, or debt liability in the registered entity engaged in the transportation of inedible kitchen grease.
Any person who is found guilty of violating the rules and regulations of the Inedible Kitchen Grease Program is subject to imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one year, or a fine of not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000), or both imprisonment and fine. If the conviction is a second or subsequent conviction of a violation or the violation is committed with intent to defraud or mislead, the person is subject to imprisonment in the state prison, or a fine of not more than fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000), or both imprisonment and fine.