pdcp protects

Against the spread of Pierce's disease

pdcp protects

Against the spread of Pierce's disease

pdcp protects

Against the spread of Pierce's disease

Pierce's Disease Control Program

The Pierce's Disease Control Program slows the spread of the glassy-winged sharpshooter and minimizes the impact of Pierce's disease in California while sponsoring research and development for sustainable solutions to pests and diseases.

PDCP's core strategies to protect California winegrapes:

  • Contain the Spread: Prevent the spread of glassy-winged sharpshooters to non-infested areas with nursery inspections, trapping, and treatment, bulk citrus inspections, area-wide treatment programs and biological control.
  • Statewide Survey and Detection: Find new GWSS infestations and confirm that non-infested, at-risk areas remain free of infestation.
  • Rapid Response: Respond quickly to detections of GWSS in new areas with surveying and treatments.
  • Outreach: Raise awareness about Pierce's disease and its vectors.
  • Research: Sponsor research and development for sustainable solutions to Pierce's disease and its vectors.
Publications and Advisory Groups
Regulations and Guidelines
Pierce's Disease Information
Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter Information
photo of Karen Ross

Secretary of Agriculture

Karen Ross

State of California

View her biography

Contact Us

Pierce's Disease Control Program
1220 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-900-5351

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