Melon Fruit fly

Regulation and Quarantine Boundaries

Melon Fly (Photo Source: Scott Bauer, USDA -
Pest Hotline: 1-800-491-1899

The adult melon fly is approximately the size of a house fly, about 6 to 8 mm long.Worldwide, over 80 different kinds of fruits and vegetables are recorded as hosts. The most commonly attacked crops are cantaloupe, cucumber, watermelon, melons, squash, and gourds. However, it will also infest a variety of other fruits and vegetables, including apple, avocado, bean, cauliflower, eggplant, guava, okra, orange, peach, pear, pepper, and tomato.

Information: If you have questions about a quarantine/eradication, or if you think you have fruits and vegetables infested with larvae, call the CDFA Exotic Pest Hotline at 1 (800) 491-1899. For questions on quarantines and/or bringing plants, fruits or vegetables into California, call (916) 654-0312.

Information Links: Provided on the right

Quarantine Maps

  • There is presently no regulatory quarantine enforcement