Apiary Brand

What is the Apiary Brand Program?
As provided in California Food and Agricultural Code Sections 29049-29056, the owner of any apiary equipment may apply to the director for a serial number brand for use on apiary equipment which he or she owns. The application shall be accompanied by a fee, as established and periodically updated, by the director by regulation.
Beekeepers may obtain a transferable apiary brand number (fee $25.00) by sending a completed Apiary Brand Number Application with the required fee to:
Cashier/Financial Services
California Department of Food and Agriculture
P.O. Box 942871
Sacramento, CA 94271-2871
This fee does not include the cost of the branding iron, which may be purchased directly from a manufacturer or obtained via transfer from the original owner.
Brands may not be altered in any way. It is unlawful for any person to have apiary equipment branded with any serial number brand other than that which is registered and owned by them without a bill of sale.
Brand number and iron may be transferred (fee $25) by submitting a Bill of Sale with the required fee to the address below. If the new owner already has a brand, s/he may have additional brand numbers transferred to his/her name without charge.
California Department of Food and Agriculture
Apiary Unit - IPC Branch
1220 N Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Apiary registration forms, application forms for apiary brand numbers, and bill of sale forms are also available at county agricultural commissioners' offices.
What is the Purpose of the Apiary Brand?
The Apiary Brand Program provides protection for registered owners of apiary brands from unlawful possession of branded equipment. FAC Section 29056 makes it unlawful for any person to have in his or her possession any apiary equipment which is branded with any serial number brand other than his or her own unless he or she has a bill of sale which he or she obtained from the registered owner of the serial brand number.