Electronic Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (eCVIs)
The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) encourages accredited veterinarians to use electronic Certificates of Veterinary Inspections (eCVIs) when a CVI is needed for interstate or intrastate movement of animals. eCVIs have several advantages over traditional paper forms, including:
- Immediate transmission to both the origin and destination state upon issuance so information is available near real-time
- Decreased transcription errors
- Increased legibility
- Easier ability to provide copies to all parties involved in the movement (consignor, consignee, carrier, etc.)
- Storage of all documents and client and animal information electronically
- Increased accuracy as some systems have internal checks so required fields aren’t left blank
- Entry permit exemptions for some states for select eCVI service providers
- Increased efficiency during processing
Any eCVI submitted to CDFA must meet the California CVI requirements (CA Code of Regulations Section 830.3), and it is recommended that the eCVI adhere to the current National Assembly of State Health Officials (NASAHO) XML data standards for CVIs.
As of January 2024, the following eCVI providers are available for use for accredited California veterinarians:
- VSPS – USDA APHIS: https://vsapps.aphis.usda.gov/vsps/public/Login.do
- GlobalVetLink (GVL): http://www.globalvetlink.com/
- Vet Sentry: http://www.vet-sentry.com
- myVetTech: https://www.myvettech.org/
Accredited California veterinarians have different form options, depending on whether the CVI is needed for the movement of large or small animals.
Large animals: CDFA can provide Category II accredited veterinarians with paper CVIs (Form 77-010 for Livestock and Poultry), or accredited veterinarians can utilize eCVIs from one of the providers listed above.
Small animals: CDFA does not provide CVIs for small animals. Category I accredited veterinarians can utilize eCVIs from one of the providers listed above or the APHIS Form 7001 (except in cases when the destination state does not accept the APHIS Form 7001). Always check with the destination state to determine whether the APHIS form 7001 is still accepted. APHIS Form 7001 can be downloaded directly from the USDA APHIS website.
Keep in mind that, at this time, all paper and electronic CVIs are only intended for domestic travel. For international travel, use USDA sanctioned forms located on their website (https://www.aphis.usda.gov/live-animal-export).
Note: The eCVI providers are not a representative of the state, and the state does not review or endorse any third party eCVI providers at this time. Any questions about eCVI providers should be directed to the providers. For any companies that require CDFA approval of a veterinarian’s account, please allow 1-2 business days for CDFA to process the approval request.
Contact Us
CDFA Animal Health and Food Safety Services,
Animal Health Branch
Sacramento, California 95814
Phone: 916-900-5002
Fax: 916-900-5333
Email: ahbfeedback@cdfa.ca.gov