Nitrogen Management Training Program for Certified Crop Advisors
The University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) joinied with the California Department of Food & Agriculture's (CDFA) FREP once again to offer nitrogen management certification training to CA CCAs in 2015. The training was available to CCAs who did not get certified in 2014.
The goal of the Nitrogen Management Training Program is to facilitate CCAs’ understanding of sound nitrogen management practices and increase their ability to make informed recommendations to growers, thereby improving environmental performance relative to nitrogen management for crop production.
The curriculum addresses the management of nitrates from plant nutrients to reduce unintentional emissions in waters throughout the state. The training covers 1 1/2 days. The first day is a general session focused on identifying the key objectives, nitrogen cycle in crop production systems, nitrogen sources, irrigation & nitrogen management, nitrogen budgeting and future resources. The second morning will have concurrent sessions with emphasis on annual and permanent crops and will include nitrogen planning practices. To be certified, you must attend both days of training.
Registrations were processed through the CAPCA Ed website at Registration is online only. No on-site sign-ups.
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