Fertilizing Materials Inspection Program
1220 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 • 916-900-5022 • fertilizer@cdfa.ca.gov
The Fertilizing Materials Inspection Program is an industry-funded program that ensures consumers receive fertilizing materials that are safe and effective and meet the quality and quantity guaranteed by the manufacturer. The program's three arms include registration, inspection and research.
Agro Research International & Agro Gold WS Information
Fertilizer Materials Registration
Learn how to register a fertilizer product, find helpful forms.
The fertilizer registration program ensures fertilizer products are in compliance with California Code of Regulations for fertilizer. Product labels are reviewed in the order they are submitted. It generally takes 60 to 90 days to complete a fertilizer registration. It is unlawful to sell an unregistered fertilizer product in California. To ensure your product fulfills registration, please begin the registration process 6 months in advance of planned date of first sale.
Online Application Database
Sign up on our online database for ease of your fertilizer materials registration. Through the database, you can apply for and manage fertilizer licenses and registrations; calculate and pay your required mill and tonnage reports; and view correspondence from registration staff.
New to the database? Choose Enroll New User on the top of the sign-in screen.
Need a paper application? Use these forms to register:
- Fertilizing Materials License Application
- Do I need a Fertilizing Materials License?
- Fertilizing Materials License Renewal Application
- Conventional Fertilizing Materials Registration Application
Registration Labeling Aids
Labeling guide, flow charts, and checklists to help with specific registration topics.
Fertilizer Laws and Regulations
Review the pertinent sections of the California Food and Agriculture Code and the California Code of Regulations (CCR).
American Plant Food Control Officials
The fertilizer registration program follows the guidelines of the Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO).
Already have a product and need a label update?
Use this form to submit changes to CDFA:
Register your Organic Input Material
Database Video Instructions
Fertilizer Materials Resources
Find your local inspector, find currently registered products, see fee schedule.
Find Your Inspector

Fertilizer Notices to Industry
- AB 856 Organic Input Materials - 12.28.09
- Ammonium Nitrate - 12.14.05
- Base Fertilizing Ingredients - 03.30.10
- Bat Guano - 05.12.17
- Beneficial Substances / Plant Biostimulant Labeling - 12.11.24
- Chelates Containing NPK - 08.21.95
- Foliar Elemental Sulfur - 05.24.04
- Four-Year Registration Cycle - 12.11.24
- Gypsum - 03.24.99
- Heavy Metals Analysis - 08.12.20
- Humic Acid - Acceptable Product Claims - 02.13.03
- Humic Acid Method - 03.15.09
- Mycohrizae propagules - 05.18.20
- Organic Disclosure - 06.18.12
- Organic Input Materials License & Registration - 12.24.10
- Phosphorous Acid - 03.30.04
- Provisional Registration - 11.29.21
- Registration of Ammonia Extracts - 12.15.21
- Seabird Guano - 09.01.22
- Seaweed and Kelp Extracts – 05.23.23
- Silicon - 07.13.20
- Weight and Measures - 05.22.17
Current Fertilizing Materials Information
Fertilizer Product Database
Find a product in the channels of trade
Fertilizer Licensee List
List of current fertilizer licenses
Fertilizer Tonnage Report by Year
Yearly tonnage numbers
Fertilizing Materials Complaint Form
Use this form to communicate complaints about fertilizing materials.
Fertilizing Materials Inspection Fees
A licensee whose name appears as the guarantor on the label who sells or distributes bulk fertilizing materials to the end user or whose name appears on the label of a packaged fertilizing material shall pay to the secretary an assessment not to exceed two mills ($0.002) per dollar of sales of all fertilizing materials. In addition, the secretary may impose an assessment in the amount not to exceed one mill ($0.001) per dollar of sales of fertilizing materials to provide funding for research and education regarding the use and handling of commercial and organic fertilizer, including environmental effects. The current assessment is one mill ($0.001) per dollar of sales for all fertilizing materials, and an additional one mill ($0.001) per dollar of sales of fertilizing materials to provide funding for research and education regarding the use and handling of commercial and organic fertilizer, including environmental effects. Inspection fees are due on a quarterly basis.
Fertilizer Materials Publications
Find tonnage reporting and research studies.
More Fertilizer Information
Information on the Fertilizer Inspection Advisory Board, New legislation, and more.
Fertilizer Inspection Advisory Board
- Andrew Larson, Member
- Christopher Gallo, Vice Chairperson
- David P. McEuen, Public Member
- Gary Silveria, Chairperson
- Greg Cunningham, Member
- Jake Evans, Member
- Melissa McQueen, Member
- Tucker Salles, Member
- William Oglesby, Member
Proposed Legislative Action
No pending legislation at this time.