Laws & Regulations
Inspection Services Division
Inspection and Compliance
Table of Contents
Shipping Point Inspection Program
CA Code of Regulations
Division 3. Economics
Chapter 4. Shipping Point Inspection
CA Food & Agricultural Code
Chapter 1. Certification of Agricultural Products
Standardization Program
CA Food & Agricultural Code
CA Code of Regulations
Division 3. Economics
Chapter 1. Fruit and Vegetable Standardization
Subchapter 4. Fresh Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables
California Citrus Program
The following regulation was filed with the Secretary of State and will be published in the California Regulatory Notice Register. The regulation is effective October 1, 2024.
CA Code of Regulations
Division 3. Economics
Chapter 1. Fruit and Vegetable Standardization
Subchapter 4. Fresh Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables
Article 22. Citrus
CA Food & Agricultural Code
Chapter 11. Navel and Valencia Oranges
This regulatory action increases the citrus assessment for Navel oranges and mandarin citrus to fund a Navel and Valencia orange, lemon and mandarin citrus inspection program, a crop estimating service, and a statewide acreage survey.
Avocado Inspection Program
The following regulation was filed with the Secretary of State and will be published in the California Regulatory Notice Register. The regulation is effective October 1, 2024.
CA Code of Regulations
CA Food & Agricultural Code
Chapter 9. Avocados
This regulatory action increases access and improves transparency of the Gem avocado minimum maturity standard.
Direct Marketing
CA Code of Regulations
Division 3. Economics
Chapter 1. Fruit and Vegetable Standardization
Subchapter 4. Fresh Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables
Article 6.5. Direct Marketing
CA Food & Agricultural Code
Chapter 10.5 Direct Marketing
California Organic Program
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
CA Food & Agricultural Code
Chapter 10. Organic Foods
OCal Cannabis Certification Program
CA Code of Regulations
Division 8. Cannabis Cultivation (Renumbered)
Chapter 3. OCal Program
CA Business & Professions Code
Chapter 6. Licensed Cultivation Sites