Technical Assistance Program
About TAP

What is TAP?
The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Technical Assistance Program (TAP) provides educational resources designed to ensure small-scale produce farms become compliant with the federal Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule for growing fruits, nuts and vegetables. TAP funding was made available by the Budget Act of 2019.

Who is TAP
TAP is a program managed by the CDFA Inspection and Compliance Branch. Through a CDFA grant, the program is partially staffed by University of California Cooperative Extension Specialists, Advisors and Community Educators who have expertise in on-farm food safety and production practices. TAP aims to promote the success of small-scale farmers across the state in following safe farming practices.

What does TAP do?
TAP team members are fluent in multiple languages (Spanish, Hmong, Mandarin and Portuguese) to serve the diversity of farmers across California. To support on-farm food safety, TAP offers a wide variety of services to farms needing assistance and resources about food safety practices used to grow produce.