Market Enforcement Branch: History
The MISSION of the Market Enforcement Branch is to objectively enforce laws enacted to ensure confidence and stability in the agricultural marketplace and to protect against unfair business practices between producers, handlers, and processors of California farm products.
Important Historical Events:
- The Market Enforcement Branch (MEB) was established in 1928 with the enactment of the Deciduous Fruit Dealers Act.
- In 1932 the Act was repealed and replaced by the present Produce Dealers Act (PDA), being Chapter 7, Division 20 of the Food and Agricultural Code. The PDA covers all farm products grown or produced in California with the exception of milk, timber, cattle, and vegetable seed sold between dealers.
- In 1935, the Processors Law (PL) was added as Chapter 6, Division 20 to the California Food and Agricultural Code. It regulates all persons who purchase California farm products from growers for the purpose of processing.
- Since their inception Chapters 6 and 7 have undergone significant amendments. These amendments have been geared to maintain the Code relevant and in tune with California's ever-changing agricultural industry.
- Effective January 1, 1998, Senate Bill 1198 made major changes to the licensing, investigative and settlement activities of the Branch. They also impacted Branch license fees and revenues.