ACP/HLB Quarantine Information for Nurseries

Pest Hotline: 1-800-491-1899

For questions or information regarding any of the following or to request a compliance agreement or permit, please contact CDFA Pest Exclusion at or call (916) 654-0312

Applies to nursery stock grown or maintained within ACP Quarantine

QC Permit 1353

Permit for the intrastate movement of ACP host propagative material/plants from an ACP Nursery Regional Quarantine Zone.

QC Permit 1359

Permit for the intrastate movement of ACP host budwood/buds without leaves or cuttings with leaves from an ACP Nursery Regional Quarantine Zone.

QC Permit 1378

Permit for the movement of untreated, untagged nursery stock from an USDA approved screen house or production nursery intended for planting within the same ACP Nursery Regional Quarantine Zone.

QC Permit 1380

Permit for the intrastate movement of nursery stock from ACP Nursery Regional Quarantine Zone 2 to ACP Nursery Regional Quarantine Zone 3 and not from an USDA approved exclusionary facility.

QC Permit 1431

Permit for the intrastate movement of treated, untagged nursery stock from USDA approved screen house to USDA approved screen house or a receiving nursery within an ACP Nursery Regional Quarantine Zone.

QC Permit 1464

Under QC Master Permit 1464, movement of regulated articles in the form of bulk citrus within or from an ACP Bulk Citrus Regional Quarantine Zone, may be moved when transported inside a fully enclosed vehicle or completely safeguarded.

Nurseries Located in ACP Nursery Regional Quarantine Zone 1

Treatment Protocol

Compliance agreement is issued and maintained by the local county agricultural commissioner. Nurseries in ACP Nursery Regional Quarantine Zone 1 may treat ACP host nursery stock prior to shipment into ACP Nursery Regional Quarantine Zones 2 or 3 at the request of the receiving nursery.

Participation in the Citrus Nursery Stock Cleanliness Program is mandatory for any person who produces any citrus propagative material, including seed. All citrus propagative materials must be obtained from source trees registered with this program or from the Citrus Clonal Protection Program at UC Riverside.

Recommended ACP Breach Protocol

All structure breaches, quarantine violations, and other regulatory incidents are reviewed by the CDFA-USDA cooperative citrus risk assessment team:

Quarantine Maps:

Federally Approved Exclusionary Facility:

Voluntary HLB Sampling and Testing Protocol: Exclusionary facilities either APHIS approved or pre-approved for ACP are eligible for this voluntary program. Participation and completion of this program would keep a nursery facility eligible to ship citrus nursery stock should the facility be included in an HLB quarantine area.