Emergency Preparedness and Response Section

The CDFA AHB Emergency Preparedness and Response Section (EPRS) provides coordination and leadership for prevention, mitigation, preparedness, and response for those emergencies which fall under the jurisdiction of the State Emergency Support Function 11 Food and Agriculture and impact animal health, as well as animals in disasters.
				Primary Focus Areas: 
				(1) Animal Disease Outbreaks - California manages foreign and domestic animal disease outbreaks in Unified Command with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Veterinary Services. EPRS oversees development of a Blended Incident Management Team, with leadership representation in Command and General Staff from both CDFA and USDA personnel. 
				(2) Disaster Response - EPRS administers the California Animal Response Emergency System, a statewide emergency management system supporting animals in disasters.
				Image of Continuum for All Phases of All-Hazards Emergencies cycle showing Preparedness, Response, Recovery, and Mitigation/Prevention.
				Image of EPRS organizational chart. Level one – EPRS Program. Level two - Emergency Animal Disease and CARES. Level three – Planning, Training, Exercise, Analysis, Outreach, and Response.
				Image of the Animal Health Branch logo. 
				Image of the California Animal Response Emergency System logo.

Foreign And Domestic Animal Diseases

Protecting the livestock industry against Foreign and Domestic Animal Disease outbreaks is the highest priority for California's Animal Health Officials. This mission is accomplished by continuously preparing the responders, strengthening diagnostic capabilities, and utilizing the latest technologies for the detection of reportable disease conditions. All emergency conditions listed in the California reportable animal disease list must be reported to the local animal health authorities within 24 hours. See the list of reportable conditions.

California Animal Response Emergency Support (CARES)

CARES is a statewide emergency management mutual aid system supporting animals in disasters. CARES is supported by a partnership of public and volunteer/private nonprofit organizations, that commit resources and expertise to prepare for and respond to animals in disasters.

Preparedness and Response

Over the past few decades, CDFA and USDA have invested resources in animal health emergency preparedness to protect the livestock industry and secure food supply in the United States. Likewise, CARES is working with State and local government emergency management to enhance preparedness for an efficient response to and resilient recovery from disasters. The CDFA AHB mission is to maximize preparedness amongst the branch employees to respond effectively to any potential foreign and domestic animal disease incidents and natural disasters in California. AHB personnel enhance their professional skill with continued preparedness and response training and exercises.