Exhibition Biosecurity
No matter the species there are some basic concepts to consider if you exhibit animals. The resources linked can provide some useful ideas.
In addition to protecting animals at fairs, petting zoos, or similar animal exhibition venues from getting or spreading disease, good biosecurity and hygiene practices can help protect the health of those who might have contact with those animals. Encouraging hand washing and recommending safe ways for the public to interact with animals (including not eating or drinking in animal areas, and making sure young children are supervised and kept from putting potentially contaminated materials in their mouths) is key to minimizing risk of disease transmission from animals to humans.
- CDFA and CDPH Public Health Reminder for Animal Exhibitors (July 11, 2019).
- Reduce Your Risk Around Animals Sign (English) | (Spanish)
- Wash hands thoroughly before and after handling animals. This is especially important between groups of animals from different facilities or exhibitions.
- Always clean and disinfect equipment used at different exhibitions before travelling to the next exhibition.
- Consider isolating animals returning from an exhibit until you are comfortable that they did not contract any diseases at the exhibit.
- Avoid sharing equipment with other club or group members between exhibits. If you must use common weighing scales or trailers be sure to clean and disinfect between uses.
- Consult your veterinarian for more useful ideas.
Biosecurity for...
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CDFA Animal Health and Food Safety Services,
Animal Health Branch
Sacramento, California 95814
Phone: 916-900-5002
Fax: 916-900-5333
Email: ahbfeedback@cdfa.ca.gov