Division of Measurement Standards: Weighmaster E-Waste Program
Effective January 2015, the California Department of Food and Agriculture, Division of Measurement Standards (DMS) has established an interagency agreement (IAA) with the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). The intent of this IAA is to survey, audit, inspect, and, as necessary, investigate compliance with applicable Weighmaster laws governing material transactions within the state. The IAA will allow the DMS Weighmaster Enforcement Program to further focus on the electronic waste management industry as a whole and participants in the Covered Electronic Waste (CEW) program in particular. With payments in the CEW recovery and recycling program based on weight, and with other associated rules requiring counts, it is vital that these measures are determined and recorded compliantly.
Electronic Waste Management
Links to information concerning CalRecycle's Electronic Waste Management Program and the Electronic Waste Recycling Act of 2003. CEW Program Regulations
Links to 14 CCR 18660.21 (Requirements for an Approved Recycler) that specifies current obligations for approved recyclers to be a licensed Weighmaster within the CEW program.-
Weighmaster Complaint Form
Links to the Weighmaster Enforcement Program complaint form, to be used for instances of suspected noncompliance. Complete the form with as much information as possible, including the name of the organization in the address section. Attach the complaint form and any supporting documents to an email and send to: CDFA.CalRecycle.Complaint@cdfa.ca.gov
As DMS, in collaboration with CalRecycle, works to improve compliance with applicable rules within California's electronic waste recycling community, more information will be available through this website. Note that any guidance provided by DMS or CalRecycle should not substitute for careful reading of the original statutes or regulations.
More Resources
Division 5. Weights and Measures. Chapter 7, Weighmasters (12700-12737)
Division 8, Special Business Regulations. Chapter 9, Article 3 Junk (21600-21610)
Chapter 9 Weighmaster Enforcement