Division of Measurement Standards


Registered Service Agency Advisory Committee

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), Division of Measurement Standards (DMS) oversees the Registered Service Agency (RSA) Program on behalf of the Secretary of Food and Agriculture. CDFA-DMS organizes the RSA Advisory Committee, which meets throughout the year, to advise CDFA on all things pertaining to this program.

Meeting Dates – Notices, Agendas, and Meeting Minutes

Suggestions for Future Agenda Items

  • Interested stakeholders and the public may submit suggestions for topics of discussion at future Committee meetings. These topics will be considered for addition to a future agenda at the discretion of the Committee Chair. Please submit future topics of discussion to CDFA-DMS’ email address dms@cdfa.ca.gov with “RSA Advisory Committee Topics” in the subject line.


  • No Hearings scheduled at this time.