DMS Regulations

The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) outlines requirements for rulemaking in Government Code Sections 11340-11361.

The Office of Administrative Law (OAL) reviews and approves rulemaking before it is filed with the Secretary of State.

Join the CDFA-DMS subscription list(s) to be informed of rulemaking actions at Granicus (GovDelivery).

Notice of Pre–Rulemaking Workshops

DMS hosts pre–rulemaking workshops to solicit stakeholder comments on proposed changes to regulations in the California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 4, Division 9. Participants may attend in person or by registering online. Register as “Guest” to remain anonymous.

No workshops scheduled.

Notice of Proposed Regulations

Fuel Specifications and Labeling of Natural Gas

(Notice File No. Z-2024-0416-04)

On April 26, 2024, the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), Division of Measurement Standards (DMS) proposes to add California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 4, Sections 4192.1 and 4192.2 and amend Sections 4206 and 4207 to adopt and incorporate by reference two natural gas motor vehicle fuel specifications (ASTM D8080 and D8487) and update the natural gas fuel dispenser label requirements to coincide with these fuel specifications. A public hearing is not scheduled. Any interested person or his or her authorized representative may submit written comments to CDFA-DMS that are relevant to the proposed regulatory action. Please include “Fuel Specifications and Labeling of Natural Gas” in the subject line of any email, letter, or fax regarding this rulemaking.

All written comments must be submitted to CDFA-DMS no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 11, 2024.

45-Day Comment Period – April 26 – June 11, 2024

Recently Approved Regulatory Action

Device Administration – Inspections and Fees

(Notice File No. Z-2020-1030-01)

On April 28, 2021, the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) approved the proposed amendments to the Device Administration – Inspections and Fees regulation in CCR Title 4, Sections 4070 through 4075. These changes are effective upon filing on April 28, 2021.

Most recent Notices and documents for this rulemaking:

Fireplace and Stove Wood

(Notice File No. Z-2019-1217-01)

On May 4, 2020, the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) approved the proposed amendments to the Fireplace and Stove Wood in CCR Title 4, Sections 4530 through 4536.2. These changes are effective upon filing on July 1, 2020.

Most recent Notices and documents for this rulemaking:

Hydrogen Gas-Measuring Devices

(Notice File No. Z-2019-0521-01)

On January 23, 2020, the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) approved the proposed amendments to the Hydrogen Gas-Measuring Devices Regulation in CCR Title 4, Sections 4001 and 4002.9. These changes are effective upon filing on January 23, 2020. An Erratum Notice Memo was Filed by OAL on February 5, 2020, to correct a publication error of the final text of the regulation.

Final documents for this rulemaking:

Electric Vehicle Fueling Systems

On December 16, 2019, the Office of Administrative Law approved the proposed amendments to the Electric Vehicle Fueling Systems Specifications in the CCR Title 4, §§ 4001 and 4002.11. These changes are effective January 1, 2020.

For more information, the Department posted Frequently Asked Questions about the 2020 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Regulation on DMS’ Zero Emission Vehicle Projects webpage.

Most recent Notices and documents for this rulemaking:


Contact DMS at (916) 229-3000 or by email at to request rulemaking files not listed above.