
Division of Measurement Standards

The following forms and publications files are available in Portable Document Format (PDF).

California Law

Business and Professions Code, Division 5. Weights and Measures §§ 12001-13800 as published on California Legislative Information website.

2024 BPC Revision Index (Extract)

2024 BPC Chapters 1-16 (Combined)

Repealed Chapters

California Regulations

California Code of Regulations (CCR)

California Code of Regulations, Title 4. Business Regulations, Division 9. Division of Measurement Standards, Department of Food and Agriculture §§ 4000-4900 and Appendix A, as Published on Thomson Reuters Westlaw website.

2024 CCR Revision Index (Extract)
NIST Publications - Handbooks 44, 130, 133

Chapter 1: Tolerances and Specifications for Commercial Weighing and Measuring Devices (§§ 4000 - 4029.6)
Chapter 2. Special Equipment (§§ 4050 - 4055)
Chapter 3. Device Inspection (§§ 4070 - 4075)
Chapter 4. Registration of Service Agencies for Commercial Weighing and Measuring Devices (§§ 4080 - 4088)
Chapter 5. Billing for Utility Services (§ 4090)
Chapter 6. Automotive Products Specifications (§§ 4100 - 4191)
Chapter 7. Advertising and Labeling of Gasoline and Other Motor Vehicle Fuels (§§ 4200 - 4207)
Chapter 8. Motor Oil Fee (§§ 4300 - 4309)
Chapter 9. Weighmaster Enforcement (§§ 4400 - 4496.6)
Chapter 10. Quantity Control (§§ 4500 – 4536.2)
Chapter 11. Sampling and Testing Procedures for Determining the Net Contents of Packaged Commodities (§§ 4600 – 4657)
Chapter 12. Administration (§§ 4700 – 4900 and Appendix A)

Electronic Field Reference Manual (e-FRM)

2024 FRM Revision Index

2024 FRM (Combined)  Revised 2024

Program Manuals, Brochures, and Information Guides

Metrology Program Information Guide

Registered Service Agency Information Guide